I was also going to highly suggest a trip to ONLY a Certified Avian Specialist Vet asap, as if you are certain that he's had exactly the same pin-feathers for years, and he's 5 years old, then something isn't quite right...usually feather issues are related to nutrition, so I too would like to know his normal, regular, daily diet...Something isn't quite right here with your bird, if what you are saying is true...Just to point out to you, most pin-feathers that bird's get, like take my Green Cheek for example, just to compare apples to apples, when he gets a pin feather, or covered in pin feathers due to a big molt, they are only there for a matter of a week or so, and he either preens the white sheaths off when they are ready, or they simply get so dry that they break-apart into dust on their own...