Help): what do I do while I wait for the vet??


New member
Jan 22, 2012
Las Cruces, NM
Pineapple Turquoise Greencheek Conure-Ivy❤️, Male Cockatiel-Lusa (aka Bub =D)
So Joey has been doing great with taming and all that but I noticed he has his little butt poked out all the time. He's holding up his tail like he's gonna poop. He's not constipated because I've seen him poop but then he stays in the position. I can't take him to the vet til Tuesday! I've never seen this in any bird what do you guys think is wrong? And what should I do to make sure he makes it to see the vet!)):
Possibly a partial intestinal blockage, perhaps moister food if he is eating or maybe fruit can't say that it will help but it might
Is Joey a girl ? Maybe eggbound? call the vet back and insist you get in earlier. Dont take no for an answer [say my bird might be dead by then ]. If its eggbound ,have a hot steamy shower going [with her in the room].
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Everything is completely normal besides the weird position and he's not really doing it right now. His tail looks a bit raised but you wouldn't notice if you weren't looking for it. His vent is clean for the most part it has a very slight yellow tinge which I think is caused by whatever's wrong but I don't think he's egg bound. When his feathers are all flattened there's not bump or anything of that sort it looks normal. When he breathes you can see his little butt moving with it idk if that's of any significance? And the vet doesn't actually stay here, she travels. The only time she will actually even be here is Tuesday. So I can't force in an appointment/:
How does the poop look like? It's color determines if the bird is healthy. If the poop is green or green+white your bird is fine. But any other color means he is sick.

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