Help weaning but doesn’t want food?


Active member
Nov 26, 2021

I have had a bit of struggles with my Amazon. I bought him when he was sick unknowingly. He is doing much better now. The new obstacle is weaning. He is four months old. He doesn’t want formula, he will beg, then maybe take 20cc max, then I’ll offer him food (sweet potato, rice pumpkin, easy digestible foods) and seeds (he isn’t allowed to eat pellets cos he has a digestion issue) and he will nibble and then call it a day. For the last two weeks I have put food every two hours in the cage, diversified it, hand fed it, spoon fed it. He happily took some, but I can see he isn’t eating it, and he isn’t interested most of the time. I am doing the abundance weaning technique, but since he is refusing formula and won’t make up for it it is getting frustrating. He sometimes makes up for it, like yesterday he ate so well, today he didn’t wanna look at the food.

I have also gone to the avian vet for advice. They told me to stop formula feeding with syringe as he shuts his mouth and puts up a fight:they crop fed a couple times as he wouldn’t eat. I tried putting formula on a spoon, he isn’t happy with that. The last resort is putting it on the food but the formula gets so cold so quick. Any ideas would be great, I can probably get a good 30 cc in morning and after work another 30 cc, and he will eat seeds throughout the day. I know that isn’t enough, I just need him to eat more and unsure how to go about it.

First, get a digital kitchen scale that reads out in grams. Start weighing him every day for now, and record the results. Always weigh him at the same time and most recommendations is first thing in the AM, after he has had his first big poop of the day. Th scale is around $20-30 on AMazon, and for now you dont need a suction cup perch, just put him in a large bowl (of course you need to tare out the bowl weight first). Baby parrots can loose a small amount of weight as they trasition to solid foods, but more than 5% is cause for concern. A good transition food is human baby food, like sweet taters, peas, carrots - the kind that is all mushed up. Make sure there are no other ingredients, like SALT, or added vitamins.

Let him dictate how quickly he transitions, but I think you know this already.
Sadly, this commonly occurs when a breeder sells a Parrot this is not fully Weaned and on solid foods for at least two weeks. This type of behavior problem develops and you could loose your baby to starvation. As state above, you are in a transition stage and your active involvement adjusting between formula and solid food. A difficult /trying period.

I hope this questionable breeder provided you with a Hatch Certificate with your baby Amazon!?!? If not, you need that document. It is a required document in North America for all Amazons.
Sadly, this commonly occurs when a breeder sells a Parrot this is not fully Weaned and on solid foods for at least two weeks. This type of behavior problem develops and you could loose your baby to starvation. As state above, you are in a transition stage and your active involvement adjusting between formula and solid food. A difficult /trying period.

I hope this questionable breeder provided you with a Hatch Certificate with your baby Amazon!?!? If not, you need that document. It is a required document in North America for all Amazons.

Yeah it’s really difficult. I don’t live in the US, unfortunately he was sold to me weaned(obv not) . I have very active vet involvement currently which is helpful but I really want him to learn. The issue is he will eat boiled apple and peas, but that’s it. He tries the others but reluctantly and I’ll have to hand feed it to him he won’t actively go to his bowl. The. Formula, he begs but doesn’t want it. So frustratinf
First, get a digital kitchen scale that reads out in grams. Start weighing him every day for now, and record the results. Always weigh him at the same time and most recommendations is first thing in the AM, after he has had his first big poop of the day. Th scale is around $20-30 on AMazon, and for now you dont need a suction cup perch, just put him in a large bowl (of course you need to tare out the bowl weight first). Baby parrots can loose a small amount of weight as they trasition to solid foods, but more than 5% is cause for concern. A good transition food is human baby food, like sweet taters, peas, carrots - the kind that is all mushed up. Make sure there are no other ingredients, like SALT, or added vitamins.

Let him dictate how quickly he transitions, but I think you know this already.
I ordered a scale :) yeah I was under the impression if he refuses formula it’s because he wants food, my only saving grace really is that he eats seeds and doesn’t mind the occasional boiled apple and peas. I’m trying to get him to enjoy other foods but he def has his preferences. Do you think if I can manage to feed him 35 in morning and night he will be ok when I’m at work if he has seeds available?
I know you have had complex issues with crop impaction.
Keep offering a wide variety of veggies, even if they keep getting rejected at this point.

I'm so glad you have veterinarian support and wish you success.
I know you have had complex issues with crop impaction.
Keep offering a wide variety of veggies, even if they keep getting rejected at this point.

I'm so glad you have veterinarian support and wish you success.
Thank you! Yeah it’s been a pain with his digestion as all the foods he is allowed to eat he doesn’t like, and he likes the forbidden foods haha

I have had a bit of struggles with my Amazon. I bought him when he was sick unknowingly. He is doing much better now. The new obstacle is weaning. He is four months old. He doesn’t want formula, he will beg, then maybe take 20cc max, then I’ll offer him food (sweet potato, rice pumpkin, easy digestible foods) and seeds (he isn’t allowed to eat pellets cos he has a digestion issue) and he will nibble and then call it a day. For the last two weeks I have put food every two hours in the cage, diversified it, hand fed it, spoon fed it. He happily took some, but I can see he isn’t eating it, and he isn’t interested most of the time. I am doing the abundance weaning technique, but since he is refusing formula and won’t make up for it it is getting frustrating. He sometimes makes up for it, like yesterday he ate so well, today he didn’t wanna look at the food.

I have also gone to the avian vet for advice. They told me to stop formula feeding with syringe as he shuts his mouth and puts up a fight:they crop fed a couple times as he wouldn’t eat. I tried putting formula on a spoon, he isn’t happy with that. The last resort is putting it on the food but the formula gets so cold so quick. Any ideas would be great, I can probably get a good 30 cc in morning and after work another 30 cc, and he will eat seeds throughout the day. I know that isn’t enough, I just need him to eat more and unsure how to go about it.

You have been very kind and took very good care of him. In the process, however he gets spoiled rotten and trained you to give him seeds.

My Emerald did try this with me and it worked....( that is until I stop letting her lead.) .....this is how she trained me. Ha ha She simply nibble on the food Then wait. I then give her another food and she would either nibble or show tantrum.....such as biting or making angry grumpy I offer another item....this goes on untill i offer what she fancy. Clever girl.

Emerald also had a super slow weaning. So let's look at her slow weaning in details and try out strategies that turn hungry Emerald around........

1) birds are more alert and hungry in the morning so this is the best time to train. Offer new food to a hungry stomach in the morning. And evening. (Allow only 1 tbsp of seed per day and give this as late as possible. So he does not want to wait.)

2) if he is not familiar with the new food, say refusing to take a bite, make a puree then offer it. For example, he may not eat an apple, may not bite from a slice, but accept apple sauce. Easy to puree food are banana, boiled egg yolk, boiled bean, cooked pumpkin, ripe mango, ripe papaya etc.

3) if he is not eating the puree food....
I would mix his baby food with new food puree. This usually makes it looks and taste familiar. Also put the chopped version on his plate to play with.

4) teach a common command that means food, ( I simply say yummy yummy everytime Emerald is eating )

Post in thread 'How to get my cockatiel to eat fruit'

Hope this helps
also its normal to have a set back in weaning following health issues.

Parrot parents support feed here and there for much longer than we do.

I hope he continues to thrive
You have been very kind and took very good care of him. In the process, however he gets spoiled rotten and trained you to give him seeds.

My Emerald did try this with me and it worked....( that is until I stop letting her lead.) .....this is how she trained me. Ha ha She simply nibble on the food Then wait. I then give her another food and she would either nibble or show tantrum.....such as biting or making angry grumpy I offer another item....this goes on untill i offer what she fancy. Clever girl.

Emerald also had a super slow weaning. So let's look at her slow weaning in details and try out strategies that turn hungry Emerald around........

1) birds are more alert and hungry in the morning so this is the best time to train. Offer new food to a hungry stomach in the morning. And evening. (Allow only 1 tbsp of seed per day and give this as late as possible. So he does not want to wait.)

2) if he is not familiar with the new food, say refusing to take a bite, make a puree then offer it. For example, he may not eat an apple, may not bite from a slice, but accept apple sauce. Easy to puree food are banana, boiled egg yolk, boiled bean, cooked pumpkin, ripe mango, ripe papaya etc.

3) if he is not eating the puree food....
I would mix his baby food with new food puree. This usually makes it looks and taste familiar. Also put the chopped version on his plate to play with.

4) teach a common command that means food, ( I simply say yummy yummy everytime Emerald is eating )

Post in thread 'How to get my cockatiel to eat fruit'

Hope this helps
Thank you so much! This is very helpful. I am leaving him tomorrow for work for the first time since I got him and I’m worried he will be so hungry in the midday. He had another procedure three days ago due to slow crop. Ongoing health issues keep coming back. Today he tried sweet potato and pumpkin!!!! I’ll be sure to try the new foods in the morning; thanks for your advice ☺️
also its normal to have a set back in weaning following health issues.

Parrot parents support feed here and there for much longer than we do.

I hope he continues to thrive
Yeah that’s true, he had another health issue two days ago and regressed again even more so than before. But he will eat from my hands do at least he does that. Fingers crossed for continued improvements :)

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