Help please! My conure is too demanding


New member
Mar 18, 2015
Hi my bird's name is Tricksy. Funny i accidentally called my username Tricky.. which is fitting as he is... and i need help with his little psycho bird brain.
You see, i believe he gets plenty of attention. I take him out (which he loves!) As much as i can. To the parks, beach shopping, even short car rides. However if i need to eat, clean, watch tv and have alone quiet (me/sanity) time he screeches. I get so mad. I have even resorted to putting him in his little travel cage in the car and put video cam in there to see if he screeches (but he doesn't.. he eats his treat seed bar, naps and preens)
The only time he's quiet inside with me is on my shoulder, on top of his travel cage (where he has started flapping and preening his wings but for a short time he's happy) or he likes it in the bathroom when i shower or bathe.
I've tried toys (maybe not enough good ones) as hes not very interested for long and I feel he just wants attention ALL rhe time which i can't give.
The good place is on the balcony with a great view of ocean trees birds flying by and he is quiet here mainly ..but i have to creep around inside (which annoys me as i feel he's running the house ) cause if i make a plate clatter or tv is up he'll screech for me.
I've tried the ignore screech and praise when quiet method to no avail. Maybe because i have yelled for so long when he screeches.
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Hi and welcome. Sounds like Tricksy is your Velcro bird, wanting to be with you all the time. I can tell you that meal times around my house, when we eat meals, I feed my finds too. Eating is a flock activity and around here everyone eats together. Do you cover your bird's cage at night and have a bed time? If you don't you may want to start a routine and schedule to establish that.

And then time outs, I did laugh when you said you put him in the car, not ideal but I can imagine your frustration, I have a red headed Velcro bird and I've put him in time out for screaming. I do this by rolling his cage into a back bedroom that is dark and he stays there for a bit. The fact that you had a camera in the car and see he starts to entertain himself means he's capable but you will need to work with him on that. There are threads and members that can offer ideas. My Ekkie self entertains, she has toys, puzzles and loves to run all over both cage play tops.

Others will give you some ideas and suggestions. And another suggestion, I use headphones and music for quiet isolation time too, there is another idea if you live in a small space and can't place Tricksy in another room or have thin walls. Hang in there.

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