Help!! Please!!! Help!!!

Oh Birdymomma! I am so sorry!! I don't have any experience of it but know that I'm here for you.
Does anyone know anyone who has a bird, or had a bird with it?
From the article:
"Some birds infected with the virus, test positive, but never show clinical signs.

I wonder if they can still be asymptomatic carriers since that is the nature of viruses. It's scary stuff, I'm always overly paranoid because of these nightmares.
Birdymomma, I feel so bad for you reading this thread. I am so very sorry to hear of this terrible diagnosis :( PBFD is an awful nightmare in the bird community. Scary thing is these evil viruses are not super rare.

Know that I understand. The first BW Pionus I had, I bought from a bird store and she had Bornavirus from the nest the vet thought, and died as a youngster. I am so sorry to hear diagnosis of Bornavirus too. Honestly, when you first mentioned the vomiting I was hoping it wasn't that, but because of my experience with it, I thought of it, though I dared not post it (although birds can vomit occasionally of other benign reasons, but not ongoing). I understand the horror and pain you feel.
I would definitely use strict quarantine practices. Best of luck with your baby Wingnut. I really hope he can get this disease into remission, but may still be a carrier who can shed virus intermittently, which would mean vigilance always in regard to cross-contamination.
If your vet is not giving you satisfying answers, I'd find a different avian vet who you can also talk to. Maybe she is not quite as experienced with it as some others. Many A-vets or all specie vets just know the basic everyday stuff. Hugs, and best wishes for the BEST case scenario. Stay as positive as possible. I know it's really hard.
Oh I'm so sorry to hear!!!!!! You need to separate Wingnut right away and sanitize everything! If you remember the recent post of someone on here, their bird tested positive for PBFD and had the test redone and it was negative the second time around. So please do get a second opinion! If he does hsve it you should try to find him a home where he will be the only bird in the house if your other birds tested negative for it. There's absolutely no treatment for it and you don't know when it's going to break out. There's no specific time limit on how long they can live with the disease.
Im new here and a new owner of a Tag but i already love her I just wanted to say Im sorry and You and your feather baby will be in my prayers
Thank you all.... Its 12:30am, and I have spent time with all three of my birds. I will separate them in the AM, so as not to wake the entire house.

The thought of letting go of Wingnut.......I can't.

My heart is breaking right now. I can't bear the thought of harming my other birds...
Oh, Michele. Just reading this now. I am so sorry to hear about Wingnut. I'll keep you and your beautiful flock in my prayers. Hopefully the second test comes back negative.

And btw, you are EXACTLY the kind of person who should have brds.
I am so so sorry to read your posts. Even worse is your vet being vague.

Do you have a strong avian vet? We have a beak and nail appointment tomorrow with our preferred avain vet. I can take my tablet and ask her opinion if you would like. She's a sweetheart, I know she would answerquestions. Just let me know, I would be happy to try to help get you some answers.
BirdyMomma, don't do anything just yet. You need time to figure out how this news is going to affect you. As the vet said, any damage is already done so a few days won't make any difference one way or the other. Things to consider are:

#1 getting a second opinion or at least a second test done (there might be the slim chance of a false positive);

#2 the virus may take years to manifest itself - during that time, a treatment may be developed;

#3 Wingnut has a lifespan! Don't think of it as a deathspan: that's not fair to him! Every creature has an allotted time on earth and there's not a thing we can do to change that. All we can do is make the allotted time meaningful. I bet you're already doing that for Wingnut now? And, you know, he could be taken by a cat or dog tomorrow, or ingest a toxic metal or fly into a window - there are no guarantees for any of us from day to day. Try to forget about the disease and remember that we're all mortal, not just Wingnut. Enjoy him as he's enjoying you and be happy each day you have together. Lots of us have birds that are battling illness or deformity or whatever and it's easy to get depressed about it if you let yourself. Be strong for yourself and for Wingnut - I know you can! :)

When you've had a good chance to put all this in perspective, a way forward will become clear to you. And if it doesn't, then we're all here for you! I wish I could give you a huge, enormous hug and a great deal of chocolate right now, but all I can do is send my prayers and warmest thoughts to you and your birds tonight. Take care!

Trish XX
My deepest sympathies, unfortunately I've never seen PBFD myself, so I can't offer any help in that respect :(

Betrisher is right, you should make the most of every day you have with sweet little Wingnut.
The value of a life is not in its length, but in its richness.
I just got sick reading this! :(

PLEASE don't let your head hang! PLEASE get a second opinion. I know the other day you said you have the best A-vet on Long Island, but for your own peace of mind, get a second opinion. She can't be all that good if she was unwilling to answer questions for you on the phone. :( WHO gives news such as these without taking the time to sit down and talk about this?

You are not alone! You are a wonderful, caring & loving parront, please don't ever think otherwise.

IF the test was in fact conclusive and correct, I would also try and find a home for Wingnut because PDFD is SO very contagious.

Here are 2 links for you.
Avian Bornavirus
Avian Bornavirus - Macaw Wasting Disease

And here is a long read on PBFD
Psittacine Beak & Feather Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Many hugs to you!! AND to your flock.
I am so sorry you have gotten this news. no bird owner ever wants to hear that!!

after you get over the shock, I would go into full gear and find the best treatment to this terrible disease, of course we will all help you with this.

Had you NOT got him tested, there would have been NO hope for him at all, and the disease would progress without any treatment what so ever... You are a responsible pet owner getting him tested, and deserve to have birds. this is NOT your fault.

my heart goes out to you Birdymomma, no bird or pet owner deserves this ever.
Thank you all.

The main issue here at the moment is contagion. Although the vet said that any damage has already been done, I feel it would be highly negligent of me, to NOT take precautions to protect my other birds. All three cages are in our room. My problem is twofold. We live in an open plan house, and we have two Dachsunds (the ones that attacked Bacci). Anywhere else in the house, the dogs could possibly get to him, unless he was in the cage. He gets to spend most of his day on top of the cage. With the open play area. The second problem is cold. Our house was greatly affected Hurricane Sandy. Our contractor (horrible) has not come back to finish working, and the only two areas we could put him, are susceptible to drafts, and cold.
Not to mention, that they are all somewhat bonded to each other, and whenever I remove one from the room, they all call to each other. If that went on all day, it would drive my mom insane.
This is a real nightmare. I'm afraid of what is going to happen. I'm afraid of losing him. Afraid of my other birds getting sick.
I created this whole little family, that has become the center of my world, and now it's getting destroyed.
I'm so sorry this is happening. I lost about 45 snakes to something similar in the snake world and it was horrible. I still have two left and they have shown no signs of the illness that killed everyone else but I no longer have them anywhere near the central area of the house because I don't want to carry it somewhere else since its likely they are carriers.

Like jenphilly said we are taking 4 of our birds to the vet today so if you want us to ask any general questions we can!
there may be some good news in regards to the bornavirus.

according to this link I came across, transmission of this virus is transmitted thru close contact with other parrots.(pls. see transmission section)

your other birds may be safe, but again no one knows for sure.....I'm just trying to give you some hope :)

Avian Bornavirus
First quarantine that bird. Get loki out of there.

Second, sanitize everything that bird has come in contact with.
My partner's grey lived for 3 years after being diagnosed with PBFD. For a long time he had good quality of life, but in the end it was heartbreaking.

I wish you all the best. It's a terrible thing to go through.
So sorry to hear of your troubles. If you think your AV needs to consult with another AV refer her to Dr Helen Lightfoot @ Blue Pearl Animal Hospital in Tampa Fla. I know you have your hands full at the moment,but think about contacting who you got that bird from, they also need to know, most likely the zon contracted this before it came to you.

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