Help on budgie diet

Just to throw my 10 cents in, I had the most success with LaFeber's! Harrison's is widely hated around my house unfortunately but from what I understand it's a very quality food. For a long time I fed the ZuPreem colorful "fruit" mix because it was the only thing my entire flock could agree on eating, until I tried LaFeber's. And I prefer LaFeber's because the ZuPreem pellets are chock-full of dyes.
I want everybody to remember that what you feed is not a "personal choice" or anything like that. A good diet is crucial for the health and well-being of the bird.
Interesting in that over on Facebook forum the Administrator, and Australian of

ParakeetPro: Help and Advice Regarding Your Budgies​

disagrees on the site bout pellets, and says Seeds and greens, no pellets.
I still have not seen scientific studies that show pellets over seed, or vice-a-versa and I would really like to read one.
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I want everybody to remember that what you feed is not a "personal choice"
Sure it is. This is America, and we still have freedoms. The OP wants to know where to find pellets to go with seeds, not a lecture that he's a "Bad Boy" just info.
Sure it is. This is America, and we still have freedoms. The OP wants to know where to find pellets to go with seeds, not a lecture that he's a "Bad Boy" just info.
The thing is, we don't seem to care about the OP anymore. We don't care that we're not helping Pizu with their problem at all. We only care about the fact that apparently you're right and I'm wrong. So I guess I won't go around spreading any more misinformation.
People, I think it's time to draw a line under this part of the conversation before it goes any further downhill. Opinions have been sufficiently expressed now and standpoints duly noted, and if any of you wish to start your own thread to debate these topics elsewhere you are welcome to do so, provided of course that our guidelines around civil discourse are maintained. I would request that members please kindly address future posts towards the OP’s original question and kindly refrain from any further provocative comments going forward. The mod team has no wish to start editing or deleting posts but we will do so if required. Thank you!
Opinions have been sufficiently expressed
I agree with what you said, LaManuka. The OP was asking about where to find pellets to go with his seeds and greens. However.... however, I do not know if he is local (as in U.S.) or abroad. Makes quite a difference is the success of valuable suggestions . What we find "here" may not always be found abroad. Also i noted that the OP started this on October 25, over 2 months ago, and nary a sign of him in this thread. In fact, oddly enough, his last presence was in BANNED thread back on December 9th. So, without knowing "where pizuPDN is at", or even looking at replies, it sort of seems futile to add too much info at this time.
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Even if he doesn't come back, the purpose of all threads isn't just to answer the OP's question, but to provide information for anyone else having the same problem.
Dear members, regrettably a number of posts have had to be edited or deleted from this thread as the discussion had become unconstructive and had devolved into insult. It is now open for discussion again, and everyone is free to contribute. However, nobody has the right to attack or insult others just because they may not like what has been said. I would once again ask that contributors please bear this in mind when posting.

Thank you all for your understanding.
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