HELP: Noisy Bird!


New member
Jan 13, 2014
Hello everyone. I've had lots of birds throughout my life but the parakeet I have now is testing my patience. It simply will not stop chirping and screeching. It reacts to basically any sound that is even remotely close to how another bird sounds. I figured it was lonely so I brought some mirrored toys home for it to play with. His name is Sky, BTW. Sky has taken well to the toys. He sings to them, cuddles with them, and regurgitates seeds for them. But that has not distracted his interest. He still screeches and chirps at any sounds including other birds.

I realize that he is just being happy but I live in community housing and I am afraid that I he is disturbing the neighbors so I need to resolve the issue by calming him down in some way. His chirps and screeches are above average loud for a parakeet.

Please help!
My plet is a constant chatter. She is very stubborn and dislikes many things. And she lets you know about it. Id rather have a intermittent squawker, than a chatter. The constant chattering drives me bonkers and worries me to no end that she is in a constant state of stress or something. As for your neighbors, it's probably bothering you more than anyone else. If you have gotten any feed back then I wouldn't play in to it.
oh bamboo did that too. he chirped to any bird he could hear on top of his voice. and since we live next t a lake, that is almost all day. i just let him siton his favourite window and chirp his heart out. he realised no one talks back tohim, and got bored.

anyways, i dont think parakeets can chirp loud enough for neighbours to hear. i live in a apartment too, and no one hears a peep from him:)
I've very often heard that mirrors can cause an almost psychotic reaction to birds, especially solitary birds. How much time does she get out of her cage, how much interaction does she get with you on a daily basis?
Sounds like your bird needs a real, living bird buddy to talk to. From what you have described this bird is incredibly lonely. If he's not tame, or you don't have the time to be his bird buddy, find another parakeet to for him. You'll both be happier.

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