HELP! New Macaw owner question

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I, as well, respectfully disagree... other videos of Macaws on the ground :) Love these!
Yep, more Macaws enjoying time on the ground :) Both my experience and my observations have shown me that many Macaws feel at home on the ground - wild ones included.

I always worry, though, about the potential risks when I see those videos of big dogs in close one-on-one play sessions with birds. I realize that some dogs are good natured around birds but the potential for a dog 'snapping' is still there. And one of the worst things is when some bird owners see how cute birds and dogs can be when playing together, they often want to duplicate the scenario which in some cases can lead to catastrophe :31:
Very true Plax. Fortunately, this was one of the better scenrios of such play. :)
This is so rediculous. Who cares if your bird doesn't like the floor or not because there is truth to what jjones is saying alot of birds do not like being on the ground mine happens to be one of them. This forum gets way out of hand with politically correct people trying to discipline others verbaly because their way above all is the correct way. I believe jjones was offering his opinions doesnt mean it works for all people or all birds it was a solution for someone who was nervous and needed a quick solution. Again YOUR way is YOUR way stop trying to force YOUR opinions on people. If you dont like jjones opinion then disagree and move on dont beat him up here. It discourages people from wanting to come and learn more about themselves and their birds and how to handle them.
CD4565, I couldn't say it better. This was the point I was trying to make. I at no time ever stated to harm a Macaw in anyway.

As far as breaking my Macaw from being a one person bird is nearly impossible, There are macaws who prefer one person, they may put up with others but would rather be with one person over another. I am not going to argue my expierences here on this board. Both my birds are very happy birds and are very well cared for. They are loving towards me, we both respect eachother and I would not have it anyother way.

As CD4565 stated above, the advise i was giving was a quick solution or at least try to get a bird that this owner never handled before back into a cage.

As far as the videos of Hy Macaws in the wild they do forage for palm nuts on the ground, they also stay in trees and pick the palm nuts off of the branches. Remeber, Macaws are prey birds and they do know the risk of being on the ground, when food supplies are low, they will do anything to find food. The other videos are Macaws who are owned and again have no threats in the owner's home or play with the owner on the ground. this is a learned behavior.

In closing, there is no one way to only train or break behavior habits, rule one is know what your getting yourself into, learn everthing you can about the bird. Know what works for your bird and stick with it.
I for one do not want my Macaw on the grond, this is very unsafe for a macaw, I would rather them be on their Jave tree, play gym, play stand. From here they do not have access to T.V wires, things that may have fell onto the floor without the owner knowing about and now the bird just ate it.
Chewing on wood floors, wood molding, damaging walls, chewing furniture.

To the owner of this Macaw who started this topic, Please get help from someone in your area who knows how to handle this GW and if you think you can handle them and want to spend the time to do so, I wish you all the best, If you cannot handle this Macaw nor want to learn, please do not keep this Macaw in a cage for the rest of it's life, place this Macaw with someone who can handle and care for it. again best to you Joe
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To the owner of this Macaw who started this topic, Please get help from someone in your area who knows how to handle this GW and if you think you can handle them and want to spend the time to do so, I wish you all the best, If you cannot handle this Macaw nor want to learn, please do not keep this Macaw in a cage for the rest of it's life, place this Macaw with someone who can handle and care for it.

I just noticed that the OP hasn't been back since he/she posted their original question. This was their first post, and it generated 25 responses.

That person has a great future on this forum.
Perhaps they got in well over their head and either seeked help elsewhere or perhaps rehomed this GW. Best wishes to them.
Here's my view: It's not a matter of one person's "way" is better than another's. It's the simple fact that "knocking [the bird] to the floor" from its cage top is an abusive act which may not only emotionally traumatize the bird, but could as well physically injured it. And that's not political correctness; it's simply concern to avoid injuring the bird. There are other methods of getting a Macaw back into its cage that wouldn't risk its safety. So regardless of who made the "knocking [it] to the floor" suggestion, it's simply bad advice in my opinion.

And as for a statement made by someone a few posts back, it certainly was NOT "ridiculous" to debunk the comment "all Macaws hate being on the ground" (which was stated to justify "knocking" this particular Macaw off its cage as a way to compel it to step up). As I mentioned, two of my Macaws, who came from the wild to quarantine to me, enjoyed being on the floor from day one. So my object in challenging the "hate being on the floor" statement was to show that since so many Macaws actually have no problem being on the ground (or the floor), there's a very good chance that "knocking [this bird] to the floor" wouldn't work at all, but would merely subject it to potential injury and/or emotional trauma without gain.

So while one of the posts in this thread appeared personally confrontational (to me, at least), I think the most important element is to place the well being of our birds above concerns that we may hurt another forum member's feelings if/when we decide to challenge what clearly seems poor advice. Discussion about why a technique is, or is not safe or effective is usually a good thing. And it really should be.
I agree with Plax on the abuse issue, the floor issue, and the confrontational attitude issue.

Mardy and I have a nightly "dance" in which I have to get her into her cage--usually from on top of the cage, so I too can relate to the OP's frustration. In my case I have the luxury of leaving her on her cage if I cannot get her down without upsetting her. I can close off the room her cage is in so no other pets can wander in during the night and bother her. I would rather do that than turn our nightly "dance" into a trust breaking experience for her.

With respect to the confrontational issue, I think it is clear that everyone has strong feelings about their birds. It is only natural to try to influence others to do what we have found so successful. I would encourage everyone, however, to voice their suggestions and comments civily so as to not prematurely cause a thread to end. Aggressive statements on a thread do not reflect well on the poster, and I suspect they rarely influence the readers in a positive way.
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Cant imagine why the user never posted again (being completely sarcastic here). This has gotten way off topic. We loose more new members because we simply cant just help them when they ask for it. We either make them feel like idiots for even trying or we go off into tangents trying to dispute other members. Actually take a step back and look at what you guys are posting, its rediculous. Im floored that this thread hasnt been shut down. Oh and as far as language - we have several minors on this site from ages 9 and up, not only do we need to keep in mind the language thats being used (this is not an adult only site) but what kind of example is being set here.

Heres a thought, lets ALL quit being so close minded. If someone is asking advice simply give it. If YOU personnally dont agree - then oh well. Its not for you to decide, it is for the poster to decide. Its disrespectful to the original poster to put other people's views and suggestions down. If you dont agree keep it to yourself. This is not a debate forum, this forum is suppose to help people. Heres another news flash, your OPINION is not the only possible solution with the best outcome. A lot of times its several different suggestions put together, suggestions that you cant get because you cant get past all the redicoulouness being put up. :mad:
Now I think maybe the thread should be shut down. Lets just drop this.
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