Help needed with parrot species

Oh Amazons are perfectly capable of taking chunks out, they just prefer not to.
I was literally mellon-balled by a DYH Amazon one time. A nice dime size scoop of wrench13 was missing.
Phew, that doesnā€™t sound fun. I guess my statement was a bit ignorant. Especially after seeing him crack nuts and drumstick bones like heā€™s snapping a twig. Did it heal fine on its own? In case Iā€™m ever in a similar situation? Iā€™ve had some bad bites. Some of which certain people might get stitched up. I always go the self sanitize and tape up route.
careful, an Amazon can bite VERY hard lol my Amazon snapped a nice sized wooden dowel in half. He can also open a beer bottle for me, toys will get disintegrated almost immediately LOL more than likely those arent bites if chunks of flesh didnt come off...most of the time those are warnings to the actual bite LOL Manolo will strike at my hand if hes not agreeing with something...but he has yet to bite me. He has bitten the vet through the towel, and there was blood drawn (through the towel....itā€™s crazy) but luckily im grateful my boy doesnt want to bite me. I dont want to piss him off lmao
Joe can be the chillest, happiest bird, but his attitude changes fast and very drastically. Just today he was sitting with me, we were talking and I was giving him head scratches. I was leaning back on the couch and put my foot up so my knee was higher than my shoulder/chest where he was sitting. So he climbed onto my knee to be taller. About 5 minutes later he climbed down and without a feather raised or evil look on his face he walked over to my resting hand and bit it sooo hard. For a reason I cannot figure out. I was sitting completely still, nothing changed. It happens a lot. He goes from 0-100 like heā€™s bipolar. I need to find or start a thread about that because I just canā€™t seem to figure out why he does that and itā€™s almost always for no apparent reason.
Most likely he is going thru mating (hormone) season and all bets are off as far as behavior. Jeykl/Hyde is the best way to describe this. And he has no control over it.
Be patient this will pass, like end of Feb or thereafter.
Yep, he's a yellow crowned amazon

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