Help needed for a new gcc owner!


New member
Jul 27, 2015
Hi there,

So I just bought 2 new conures named tiggy and Bobby. They are parent reared and from a pet shop. They are some what friendly in the sense that they have no issue flying on to me and sitting on my shoulder, arm, hand or head.
However they very much like to bite my hand/neck/ears/more or less any part of my body they can get their beaks around! One let's me rub him for 5 to 10 seconds the other will more or less fly off if I try. They will step up from time to time but it's hit and miss whether they will refuse or take a bite.
I have been surfacing the Internet to find solutions to this and have been told from anything from blowing on them, taking them off balance by either twisting or "earth quaking", from placing them back in the cage to using food to distract them.
I have these birds for about 3 weeks now and very much new to conures. I had a cockatiel before but that's it. I don't feel like I'm getting this right and wondering if a more experienced parrot owner could spare me some advice!

Many thanks

Well, all those methods I've heard folks use and work as well. The trick is find the one they seem to not appreciate (tho don't terrify them obviously) and then be consistent.

3 weeks is a short time and they most likely have never had any training.

I'd start with something simple, like step up. Use treats for this. You can find lots of great information here on training them to step up.

I probably wouldn't let them on my shoulder if they are biting my neck or ears. I don't want any extra piercings thank you.

Green cheeks can be pretty beaky birds. Starting with training will allow you to get to know them as well as them you. You will soon be able to read when they are going to give attitude.

when we got Foo she was a return to the pet store for biting. she can now spend hours on my shoulder and wants nothing more than to hang out with her humans. However she sometimes cops some major tude, which we humans know means it's time for her to go to her play top or cage. We put her there before the violence ensues. ;P I know the puffy, head bobbing, beak boxing Foo is about to go a little crazy on us and it's time for time out.
Hello and welcome to the forum! Not to sound like an advertisement, but you came to the right place. Hehe.

Okay first things first, your new kids should not be allowed on your shoulder until they each master step ups without biting. You should also get the nipping under control before allowing them up there because who wants a nippy bird near your ears or eyes?! All of the methods you have been suggested are proven to work, so just pick one and stick with it. Be consistent and be patient. Good luck!
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Thank you very much for the great advice. I will stop letting them sit on my shoulder until I get the beaking down!
Patience is the key. I know it can be painful and frustrating, but the training is worth the effort.
Patience and consistency. Keep practicing step up, step down (no shoulders yet), until you go nutty.
We have had 2 green cheeks for a few years and they are still little biters lol. I have moles and skin tags on my neck they try to "preen" off. They don't like to be petted but will step up, fly to the spot I tap and give kisses as long as I let them. They will snuggle under my neck at night but I still can't pet them with my hands without them trying to bite my fingers. I can "pet" them with my cheek though lol. I just go by their rules of engagement lol. Rarely I can get a few pets with my fingers. I still try everyday though lol

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