Help! mystery cockatiel behaviour!


New member
Sep 13, 2024
cockatiel (soon!)
I got my baby cockatiel a week ago and he is already begging to leave the cage to be with me, comfotably stepping up and can even spin!!

However as recently as yesterday he has started to search for something? I dont know if hes already looking for a mate because hes so young, its more when he sits on my shoulder he head bobs rly vigorously in one particular direction (hes clipped so he cant fly) i take him over there but he seems restless anyway. Can anyone help me? Mayhbe hes looking for his reflection but its too early in the day so he cant really see his reflection clearly on the glass.

Please help! is he just being a baby??
Good question above...

Meanwhile, absent any eating/preening/movement problems... sounds like happy curious birdy stuff!

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