Help! My male budgie's cere has gotten dark, is this normal?

Krehard, your cute little guy’s cere looks okay to me; just the slight dullness or being “ out of season.”
Thanks for making me feel better! I go back and forth thinking the same, it looks different to me in different lights. It just seemed to go yellow/brown and dull with peeling in such a short time! He isn’t molting just yet, but when he does, it’s very intense for him compared to my other little guy. Hoping it’s just that!
This is how he looks today, after applying the coconut oil. I think he will be totally recovered tomorrow. Thank y'all!

Hi Griffith! For some reason, most of your progress photos of your bird aren’t showing up for me here. Do you mind reposting how he looked after the coconut oil application? I hope he’s still doing great 💛 Thank you!

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