Help, my little green man is sick

I have taken in many birds who came from terrible or just uneducated situations (like owner smoking and bird pulling his feathers out). I know it is stressful to not know your parrot’s health status or past. Thank you for taking good care of these birds and I wish you and both of them the best of luck and care.
Hi all, I hesitated asking for thoughts but I’m at my wits end. I’m not sure how to use this site properly so I may have multiple posts on here. I have a 46-year old white fronted Amazon who is blind. About one month ago I noticed nasal discharge and bubbly discharge from eyes. I immediately took him to avain vet. His vet prescribed antibiotics, did a sinus flush and did not get much drainage , at least not what was expected. She now wants me to give nebulizer treatments and I’ve watched videos, I ordered nebulizer machine and I’m in the process of setting up shop for nebulizer treatment. Doc just called me today with lab results and she says cbc was ok but very high Uric acid levels and extremely high triglycerides. I have appointment tomorrow to meet with vet to discuss treatment plans. I’m worried sick I’m losing my pretty bird. I have been feeding mostly Christine’s chop shop and Harrison’s birdy bread, nutriberries, and fresh chop. He loves anything salad, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce etc. he is on the very light side, only 165 grams on a good day. He can go down to 157 or up to 172 but always in that range no matter how much he eats. He seems to eat all day but obviously not maintaining weight. can you give me some encouraging news with these problems Because right now I’m freaking out that I may lose my lifelong little man. I hate bothering you with this but I know if anyone knows trials and tribulations with parrots it is all of you. I’ve learned so much from this forum and only wish I was able to learn sooner, maybe I could’ve been a better parront. Pretty bird is 46 and I’ve had him 44 years. The past maybe six to eight years I’ve had a reawakening with proper care and nutrition for parrots but I’m sick I’m too late for my little green man. Please any info you can offer will be helpful.
I joined the forums recently and came across your thread about your precious little green man and you didn't post after November. How is he doing? If he passed, I'm so sorry. I was so impressed with how well you took care of him while he was so sick. And that you had him for almost his entire 46 year life! What a lucky bird he is! Please post on update on him and your other birds.

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