Help!! My Cockatiel is laying eggs for the first time and I think she’s having trouble!


New member
Sep 1, 2024
She’s been making these really cute little chirps and lifting her butt like she’s trying to push something out.
She’s been doing this since Wednesday.
She doesn’t do it all the time. Most of the time she acts normal. But lately she’s been making that cute chirp more often. She’s also pooping A LOT. So I’ve been giving her more watery type of fruits and veggies.

I bought her a little bird nest. Well she technically has two. I got her all the twigs and whatnot that bird websites recommend.
But for some reason she keeps straining on her perch. Not the bottom of her cage.
Is there anything else I can do to help her lay these eggs??
All advice accepted!
Thank you everyone. ❤️
Yipes. Egg-laying can be so complicated. I would consult an expert or vet asap. Good luck!
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First if you have a single bird or don’t want to breed remove the nest.
That just encourages egg laying.

What you describe as straining to lay an egg might just be hormonal behavior and not trying to push out an egg.

My girls “make that cute little noise “ while leaning forward and making their back flat. Typical they do this in a place where a toy hangs above them and touches their back.

My girls were hatched in 2016 and so far have not laid any eggs.

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