Hi! I have an aviary with rescue budgies. I know the ones we have so far are all males. However, we recently took in a rescue whom we aren't exactly sure the mutation or the gender. I am concerned because I don't want to house the budgie with all males (which is what we have currently) and they all get along, but this one seems a little stand-off-ish (even after being housed together for a few weeks now) so I'm even more wondering if it might be a female. It doesn't interact the same with the others and appears to display the disposition of a female budgie. However, the person I rescued him/her from thought it was a boy due to the light blue cere. The YELLOW mutations seem confusing to me...any help? Pics attached. Thank you!!
Oh - by the way, he/she is said to be about 3 years old.
Oh - by the way, he/she is said to be about 3 years old.
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