Help! I'm new at this...

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Sometimes female parrots lay eggs and sometimes they don't, lol! My Grey is 21 and has only laid one. My conure is 12 and never has (yet). And then some people's start laying as soon as they hit puberty.
Interesting. My owl finches lay an egg/day for a week then take a few weeks off and start all over again. I'm always afraid of calcium depletion and put calcium in their water and "Hatched" sterilized crushed eggshell in their seed. I'm hoping the parrot uses his cuttlebone because the finches never do. I'm planning on feeding the red belly mainly a pelleted diet supplemented with a tasty seed/fruit/nut blend (Higgins Mayan - anyone heard of it or use it themselves?) Fresh fruits and veggies, too - I purchased a skewer to hang them from his cage. Do you think I'll need to add vitamins or other supplements or does this sound complete enough?
That sounds like a good diet. Yes, provide a cuttle bone or mineral block. She should use it if she needs it. They might leave it for a long time and then suddenly munch it up. You can also shave off bits of cuttle bone and put it on her soft foods if she does start laying and isn't using it.

Once in awhile I make mine scrambled eggs and crush up the shells and add them to provide extra calcium.
When I go to the pet shop that's in the closest city to me, I always pout in the bird room. My daughter has to drag me out and say, "Mom, you can not bring home all these birds!". I feel the most sorry for the finches because of the noise that the other birds make, it is deafening! Also, the cages are over crowded, not enough perches or anything appealing about their atmosphere. Pisses me off, is there anything I can do?, besides bring them all home?
When I go to the pet shop that's in the closest city to me, I always pout in the bird room. My daughter has to drag me out and say, "Mom, you can not bring home all these birds!". I feel the most sorry for the finches because of the noise that the other birds make, it is deafening! Also, the cages are over crowded, not enough perches or anything appealing about their atmosphere. Pisses me off, is there anything I can do?, besides bring them all home?

Probably not. And the more you buy because you feel sorry for them, the more they will get into the stores. I try not to go into stores that actually have birds.
This is where I go to buy Amigo's pellets, seed, my son's hamster food, extra food bowls, shampoo for the dogs, etc. I always get sucked into the bird room, can't help it, it's kind of a natural pull. Maybe I need to be shopping on-line for these things. The problem is, now I know this goes on and I find it hard to ignore, ick.
I'm lucky I guess that my closest store is a Petco that only has budgies. At least they are in this huge aviary type enclosure.
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There are no bird selling stores around here either. Like you said - just budgies - and I do often feel a little sorry for them. I just hope they go to good homes and don't get "impulse purchased".
I do plan on making Bowie scrambled and chopped hard boiled egg (with shells) at least weekly. I've read they'll even eat little pieces of chicken. Has anyone tried this?
Some birds do like cooked chicken or turkey or even a chicken bone to gnaw on.

Avoid hamburger as no matter how well it's cooked it can still contain trace amounts of E. Coli, which can make them very sick or kill them.
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Thank you for all the good info. Sorry it took me this long to respond but I was setting up little "Bowie's" cage all day! I feel like a mother-to-be working on the nursery! I have been receiving all these shipments of stuff I've been ordering online for him. He's not even here yet and he's practically spoiled already!:18: I picked out several different types of toys to hang (wood, rope, shredding, etc,) and arranged perches - hopefully not overhanging any dishes for the poop factor. I put a bunch of foot toys in a dish - sort of like his own little toy box. Does it sound like I'm overdoing it? Please let me know as I'm used to finches who don't really play with toys. The toy thing is new to me.
I also hung a "foraging" treat holder that he will have to figure out to get the treats out. I hope he's smart and doesn't just get frustrated! I have pellets plus a seed/fruit/spice blend (that smells great btw) ready to go as well as a skewer for hanging fresh foods. Can you tell I'm excited?
Now my dilemma. He is being shipped via Delta Pet from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia on Saturday, but they routed him through Detroit! This ordeal is going to be stressful enough without making him have to go through a plane change and spend so many hours in a box! I've debated driving out to get him - its a little over 5 hrs. one way. My husband thinks I'm crazy and says they do this all the time. Does anyone have any opinions out there? Much appreciated!
First of all welcome and congrats on your new fid :)

Sounds like you are well prepared and loved the pictures of your birds and the lovely ones you got to work with.

As far as the flight goes to be honest I would drive, probably because of my recent experience though, Pixie came from IL and I am in VA. What was suppose to be a few hours of flight turned into an overnight nightmare for me because of bad weather she was held in Atlanta during her layover and I was unable to get her until the next morning.

Delta Pet First was very understanding though and took care of her, she arrived safe and sound and didn't seem like she was upset about the whole thing at all. I cried myself to sleep and was nuts until I saw that she was ok but it was a first experience with me.

My breeder said he had never had that happen before and was with me every step of the way so that was wonderful.

Good luck :)
I would drive, too... Can't wait to see pictures...
Yes, Detroit is one of the hubs. Seems silly she has to go there only to go back to PA. I would probably drive as well, but I had the experience of my bird getting sick at one of the airports or on the plane. However, this is a 21 year old Grey who can barely see. Babies seem to do just fine flying around and having layovers. And Greys are such worriers anyway, and with her vision issues it was probably just that much more frightening to her. So she got very stressed and picked up some airborne bacterial infection, which she promptly gave to my amazon (my fault for not quarantining her).
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No.I'd have to buy one. I already got emailed flight information so i guess we'll be picking him up tomorrow. I hope he's ok- not too scared and handled nicely. I have to believe that this is their business and if it didn't work for them they wouldn't do it. I think Delta pet has a pretty good reputation?
Just a cute side topic- i work at an optical office and the manager is from Senegal. She says parrots are flying around like sparrows here and couldn't believe what we pay to buy one as a pet!:D

And on a side note, I am 15 min south of Philly.....and we do have quite a few pet shops with birds.......just saying if you wanted to hang out some time I could show you where they
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  • #36

And on a side note, I am 15 min south of Philly.....and we do have quite a few pet shops with birds.......just saying if you wanted to hang out some time I could show you where they
I would probably come home with a bird - and then my husband would have a bird!:D But, it does sound enjoyable - if we could fit lunch in, too!
I am volunteering (just started) at Jo Jo the Grey Rescue in Upper Darby. She takes in birds that need to be "relocated", works with them if they have problems and finds them new, and hopefully, forever homes. Basically, I will be there to help socialize, so they have experiences with people other than just her. Playing with parrots - what an awful job.;)
Maybe you would be interested in that?
My Red Belly is in the air as we speak, due to arrive at PHL 7:30 tonight. The cage is ready and I am just a little excited right now!
I would have driven, but the breeder had made arrangements for shipping by the time I had given it some thought. The weather is great for flying today and 5 hours in the car would've been stressful, too - I'm rationalizing. I hope the little guy is ok. Youngsters are resilient.
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That looks like a nice cage that should make her happy!
Thanks! I think I went a little crazy with toys - but I want to keep him busy! And toys are soooo much fun to shop for online. They all look so cute!:D

And on a side note, I am 15 min south of Philly.....and we do have quite a few pet shops with birds.......just saying if you wanted to hang out some time I could show you where they
I would probably come home with a bird - and then my husband would have a bird!:D But, it does sound enjoyable - if we could fit lunch in, too!
I am volunteering (just started) at Jo Jo the Grey Rescue in Upper Darby. She takes in birds that need to be "relocated", works with them if they have problems and finds them new, and hopefully, forever homes. Basically, I will be there to help socialize, so they have experiences with people other than just her. Playing with parrots - what an awful job.;)
Maybe you would be interested in that?
My Red Belly is in the air as we speak, due to arrive at PHL 7:30 tonight. The cage is ready and I am just a little excited right now!
I would have driven, but the breeder had made arrangements for shipping by the time I had given it some thought. The weather is great for flying today and 5 hours in the car would've been stressful, too - I'm rationalizing. I hope the little guy is ok. Youngsters are resilient.

He'll be just fine :D

I didn't even now there was a rescue in Upper Darby....I work In Clifton Heights, so I may actually be able to do that depending on when she needs volunteers. Oh and one of the pet stores with birds is right on Baltimore

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