Help! I'm new at this...


New member
Mar 13, 2012
southeastern PA
Red Bellied Parrot, Bowie; Goffin's Cockatoo, Zazu;
5 beautiful finches
Hi! I have had 3 Lady Gouldian Finches ("the boys") and 2 Owl Finches ("the girls") for a little over a year now and I am getting my first parrot in a few days. After researching via the internet and considering my husbands requests (not too loud, not too messy), I chose a Red Bellied Parrot. The one I am getting is only 4 months old and was hand raised. Apparently the aviary he hails from brings their young birds to a retail "bird store" 2x/week for people to look at, hug, hold and hopefully buy. This guy wanted no part of this action and since he did not show well, I am getting him at a greatly reduced rate. They are shipping him to me via Delta Pet as soon as I let them know that his cage is ready. I have more than a few questions, if you "pros" don't mind...I want to trim his flight feathers. Should this be done as soon as he arrives when I take him out of the shipping crate - this way all the stressful stuff would be out of the way and he can just chill in his new home for a while? Or should I wait?
How long should I give him to just "chill out" before I start working with basics like step up? If he seems scared, should I attempt to give him some treats to bring him out of his shell - or would putting my hand in the cage just scare him more? How do I get him out of his cage to work with him before he knows to step up? I hate to go after him with a towel and freak him out early on:eek:! Any suggestions will be gratefully appreciated! Thank you!:rainbow1:
I'm sorry i dont know much about bringing a new bird home as i am still waiting to experience it. There are plenty of experts here though :)

I was just wondering where you were getting your bird? The breeder i am going through has a reduced red belly so i was wondering if it was the same person.
suncoast aviculture?
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Hi. No, the aviary is called Silvernite and is in or very close to Pittsburgh. Hmmmm - wondering why there seems to be all these sales on red bellies?...
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When you first bring him home, let him be alone for a little while. After he settles down, sit near him, and speak to him. The words don't matter, you could read from a book, whatever. If he seems curious, offer him a treat through the bars. Don't push him to interact. Things have to move at his pace. Take things slow. If he's friendly, open the cage door, and let him come to you. Once that happens, things can begin. The first is "Step up". Put your finger against his chest, and let him step up onto it. Praise him, and make it seem fun. Eventually, try to scratch his head. Never scratch his back or rump. You can touch his head, neck, and feet (if he lets you).Just remember to take things slow. He's young, scared, in a new home, and with strangers. Things will be fine. BTW, is that your Hyacinth Macaw in your avatar?
oh, i actually live about 5 minutes from c and b birds. I think i met your bird and george when i was there discussing electus a couple weeks ago. Cindy from c and b was going to find me one until i found a bird available sooner. They are very nice there and very reputable around here :)
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oh, i actually live about 5 minutes from c and b birds. I think i met your bird and george when i was there discussing electus a couple weeks ago. Cindy from c and b was going to find me one until i found a bird available sooner. They are very nice there and very reputable around here :)

Wow. What a small world. It's very good to hear that they have a decent reputation. I live closer to Philly and chose not to make the 5+ hour drive. So, is "Bowie" a cutie? Hard to tell from that picture. I'm not afraid of a bit of a project. I worked with several (like 36!) parrots, macaws, cockatoos, and conures this winter in Florida. That is where the Hyacinth in my avatar comes from. It was a volunteer job that I found very rewarding - and introduced me to the new "parrot phase" I am going through! Some of the birds there had behavioral problems and unfortunately those don't get a lot of one on one - most of the attention goes to the super friendly, cuddly ones - like that Hyacinth. I had the opportunity to work with an aggressive Blue and Gold - and we really bonded! Thus, my new hobby.
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Is there any chance you could ask the man to clip his wings before he comes home? That way it will be less harder for you to have to do it and the bird can settle in well. :)
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Is there any chance you could ask the man to clip his wings before he comes home? That way it will be less harder for you to have to do it and the bird can settle in well. :)
Good idea! I actually mentioned to them in an email that I was intending to clip the wings and asked him when was an approprite time to do that. They haven't yet responded. I think I will come right out and ask them to trim the flight feathers. Thanks!:rainbow1:
Bowie is a cute name! i love that!
you worked with some very beautiful birds!
He was a cutie, he just seemed out of his element to be honest. It is a store, but the back room is where the clipping/grooming/bird sales are. It isnt a very large room and it was constantly busy. Birds flying around, people talking and poking at the birds. I'm sure he will be great one on one!
Yeah its a good idea to ask them, I think birds hold grudges so if you scared him when he first got home he might remember it forever. At least that way the bird is familiar with this man and might not be as stressed to have his wings clipped by him. Audrey had hers clipped when she came home to me! I hope he does it for you!
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Bowie is a cute name! i love that!
you worked with some very beautiful birds!
He was a cutie, he just seemed out of his element to be honest. It is a store, but the back room is where the clipping/grooming/bird sales are. It isnt a very large room and it was constantly busy. Birds flying around, people talking and poking at the birds. I'm sure he will be great one on one!
Great! I live in a relatively quiet household. Just me and my husband. The dog is the only potentially "nutty" member of the family - and she does not go into the bird's domain - which is the livingroom/diningroom area. That's where I'll be working with Bowie mostly. I'm also hoping to bring him downstairs (eventually) into the basement where I intend to put his birdy play gym so he can have some fun while I'm on the treadmill. I need a buddy to work out with!:) He will be able to hear the finches across the room - and I'll bet he picks up their song! That will really drive them crazy - hearing a funny sounding finch singing in the distance!
I'm sure he will fit right in :) i am curious to know what a parrot would think about finches.
Congrats on your new baby!

I'm sure your very excited! i know i am and i still have a month!
Congrats on your new baby. The Red Belly that lives at my vet's is very cute, but she doesn't like women, and bit me, lol!

I'm sure the breeder can clip the wings for you so as not to traumatize her right away in it's new home.

I agree with all the advice given by Billsbirds on initial interaction. And everyone here is very helpful with any other questions you may have.
Hi, from your comments I am ciretain you will become a better parrot owner than many. I concure with Bill-----'s comments but would like to add one point to anyone. Cages are very territorial for most parrots. My wife has good success taking a wild or frightened parrot into a small quiet room it gently and talking quietly. This has worked well with small parent raised birds such as abasinians and because the the parallels in behaviours it should work as well wiyh any parrot. Good luck in your NEW LIFE STYLE from north of the lake. D.D.
Hi To answer Sadie's question. FEAR is the normal reaction for large birds being exposed in an enclosed space to a large number of small birds. I won't go into a long explaination but my greenwing becomes immediately frightend in the bidroom which only has caged lovebirds. D.D.
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When Amigo is eating inside his outdoor cage, he has little wild finches flying in and out to steal his food. He acts annoyed but not afraid.
That's cute. Mine will be very curious, I'm sure. My finches are in a flight cage but I can see them now, all lined up against the cage wall closest to the parrot's side of the room - with their cute little finch faces staring at the new kid in town.
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I sure love the noise that finches make, actually kind of soothing. How many do you have?
I have 3 male Lady Gouldian Finches (they sing a cute little song) and 2 female Owl Finches that only give out short little cute "honks". Only male finches sing in these 2 species. The owls are always laying eggs even though they are unfertilized. Do female parrots do that as well? They are very relaxing to watch. I tell people it's almost like viewing a beautiful aquarium - they're soothing to watch but not "hands on" birds. No "stepping up" or any touching is allowed! They are "sit back and bask in our beauty" birds. They do bond in their own way. They'll fly to a close perch when I come up to their cage and look at me. They don't do this for strangers or even my husband, so they do recognize the lady with the food! If I imitate their song, they will answer me sometimes. I'm really looking forward to having a "companion" bird.:rainbow1:
Sometimes female parrots lay eggs and sometimes they don't, lol! My Grey is 21 and has only laid one. My conure is 12 and never has (yet). And then some people's start laying as soon as they hit puberty.

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