Help. I think Pritti just had a seizure.

Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry this happened! Mango had a seizure and it was horrifying! I held him and comforted him but he just jolted and fell onto the floor! :( So I know what your going through and I'm very glad you went to the vet! I'm glad to hear that he is a little better! Hope he recovers very soon and that this never happens again!
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Your news about Pritti is so upsetting to me. Do you think he had a reaction to the medications he's on, or does it have something to do with his medical condition?

Thinking positive healing thoughts for Pritti. Hugs to you.
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Mango had a seizure and it was horrifying!

@KQ - Do you think you know what caused the seizure? Did happen more than once? Yeah it is scary, especially with him being 32 and starting to have some organ problems related to aging.
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Your news about Pritti is so upsetting to me. Do you think he had a reaction to the medications he's on, or does it have something to do with his medical condition?

Thinking positive healing thoughts for Pritti. Hugs to you.

The a-vet isn't ruling out that it was the meds, but he says the meds are not known to cause seizures, and he got right on the internet at midnight to see if there was any new authoritative info about it. He is very caring and VERY smart, has been an a-vet for about 25 years. For the moment, he is leaning more toward something toxic getting in to him. But in the meantime he is watching and testing to see if there is other organ involvement besides the liver, i.e. whether the liver is the cause of the fluid accumulating around heart, or if kidneys or heart is involved.
I was relieved when I visited him yesterday. He seemed really good. Moving around exploring the incubator (for an escape route), eating, alert but seemed tired. Had him out of for 2 hours in a private room. He took a nap and he made a spin art on my iPad. Here are some pics (using for 1st time...hope it works).

that is so COOL!!....did he do that with his beak??
I just love him cuddling into you, he obviously adores you and wants him mummy....a very sweet picture.
sending hugs from my flock and myself for a quick recovery!
What a beautiful picture of Pritti loving his Mummy! I hope he's feeling lots better and will be home with you soon. XX
I love the artwork too. That was a great idea to let him make it. Gilbert plays with my tablet but I never thought to let him 'draw'. Great idea.
Um I think it happened because I got him at Petco so I think he was from a bird mill but I don't know. H was also a Neon color so he had a kidney problem. And that was the first and last time he had a seizure im very sorry to say that he died an hour after that happened. :(
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KQ...that is a sad story. The petco here never has any birds in the store, thank goodness.

Re the spin art... It is an ipad app. I opn a fresh page and set the background color. Then I set the pInt color. When it starts spinning i let pritti decide if and when he wants to touch the screen and "pour" the paint. The buttons for spin and paint poring make a bing when i touch them. That seems to get him intersted first. I just leave it there spinning. He figured out how to stop the spinning now! Haha.

They told me he wAsn't eating much and was hanging out in the corner resting. He got excited when i showed up and too him out of i cubator. Ahhhhhh....freedom. His cage door hasn't been locked sonce april or may! He ate so much when i got there. His crop was so full. I feel so bad for him being locked in and alone without all the human comtact he has at home. :(
Awwwwwwwww.....sweet precious Pritti, I hope he would recover soon!!!!!
Aww that's a sweet picture. It must be hard leaving him at the hospital but it's for the best. I am sure he misses you! I hope and pray that he gets better soon!
I just read thru this thread, and am so relieved to hear Pritti is doing better. I feel for you having to leave him there and hope you're able to take him home soon. Poor Pritti! I feel as or I know him after a year on this forum. I'm glad he's got a good mom who is on the ball with his health :) the birds are in bed, I'm done for the day, so here's a toast to Pritti! Get well soon :)
OMG, you must be scared. I'm so glad that it is all right with Pritti now. Be relex, and he will be good.
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Pritti in his incubator today. They gave him a buffet of food, and he has his baby doll to sleep on. He seems tired. No new seizures but still not ready for home. No visiting hours on Sunday, :(

Thanks so much everyone for cheering for Pritti.

Hope Pritti is feeling better soon and is able to be home for the holidays. Sending best wishes to you both.
ohh im so sorry this happened!!! I really hope he has a quick full recovery and gets to be at home for Christmas!
The photos are adorable and I'm glad Pritti has a vet you really trust. It is a comfort to have faith in your vet. Get well soon.
Is that an incubator or a five star hotel? I'm glad he is pampered and well fed. I hope you can rest a little better knowing he is in great hands.

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