Help I can’t tame my ringneck lol


New member
Apr 27, 2024
Indian Ringneck Parakeet
So my Indian Ringneck, Ringo, I have had him for a little over a year now. He still does not let me touch him, or even feed him out of my hand. The closest thing (and the most recent progress) I have gotten him to do is eat out of a bowl I was holding through the little bowl holder in his cage. And then I tried using a glove and hold seeds (as treats) in my hand and he did eat out of that too (is that good progress? Also he’s a biter so I needed the glove). His cage is also RIGHT beside my bed, so when he wants seeds he will come to the side that I’m on, otherwise heel be on the complete other side. When I let him out of cage all he does is fly around and scream, so I don’t let him out too often because I’m trying to get him to realize if he wants out, he’s going to have to use me to get out if that makes sense. I don’t know what else to do to tame him. I set my hand in the cage for 15 minutes a day and he doesn’t budge and just waits for me to leave. Should I continue with the seed thing or do something different? I don’t know how to tame him. I also forgot to mention, when I’m in the room he’ll make noise and sometimes scream, but the screaming is not often. But RIGHT when I leave the room, he screams for hours. Does that mean he wants me but is just scared of physical contact? Or is he glad I’m gone lol. Or maybe just lonely (but he does t interact with me except for maybe some “mumbling”). I don’t understand and I’ve tried looking things up but nothing works.
Believe it or not, he is still settling in and making up his mind about you. Ringnecks are famous for this. Just be patient and continue as you are doing. Me, I'd get away from the glove, most parrots hate gloves.
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Believe it or not, he is still settling in and making up his mind about you. Ringnecks are famous for this. Just be patient and continue as you are doing. Me, I'd get away from the glove, most parrots hate gloves.
So I have an update. I can now get him to eat from my hand but only if my hand is right outside the “food hole” in his cage. He does try to nip at me but when he does I wiggle my finger and say no to make it apparent to him that biting is not ok. I just don’t know what to do from this. Should I gradually move my hand into the cage until he takes the seeds anywhere from my hand in his cage? Then what do I do after that? Definitely making progress. I think he likes me but doesn’t want me to touch him and is scared of me if that makes sense. He doesn’t scream when I’m in the room but as soon as I leave my room he starts screeching. Does that mean he misses me and enjoys my company? Just some questions.
Yes, yes and yes. THis is progress, parrot style. You simply must remember that parrots have no reason to trust us. YOU must make him see the reason to trust you.
So my Indian Ringneck, Ringo, I have had him for a little over a year now. He still does not let me touch him, or even feed him out of my hand. The closest thing (and the most recent progress) I have gotten him to do is eat out of a bowl I was holding through the little bowl holder in his cage. And then I tried using a glove and hold seeds (as treats) in my hand and he did eat out of that too (is that good progress? Also he’s a biter so I needed the glove). His cage is also RIGHT beside my bed, so when he wants seeds he will come to the side that I’m on, otherwise heel be on the complete other side. When I let him out of cage all he does is fly around and scream, so I don’t let him out too often because I’m trying to get him to realize if he wants out, he’s going to have to use me to get out if that makes sense. I don’t know what else to do to tame him. I set my hand in the cage for 15 minutes a day and he doesn’t budge and just waits for me to leave. Should I continue with the seed thing or do something different? I don’t know how to tame him. I also forgot to mention, when I’m in the room he’ll make noise and sometimes scream, but the screaming is not often. But RIGHT when I leave the room, he screams for hours. Does that mean he wants me but is just scared of physical contact? Or is he glad I’m gone lol. Or maybe just lonely (but he does t interact with me except for maybe some “mumbling”). I don’t understand and I’ve tried looking things up but nothing works.
Yeah, I'm having the same problem. Mine wont come near me at all and flies away whenever I go near and jumps to the bottom of his cage when I open it. 🥺 Also having trouble with him going back in his cage as he loves to be out too much 🤣
Ring neck needs a patience of a monk to make them friends.
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Yeah, I'm having the same problem. Mine wont come near me at all and flies away whenever I go near and jumps to the bottom of his cage when I open it. 🥺 Also having trouble with him going back in his cage as he loves to be out too much 🤣
If u feed him pellet and fresh food diet, and offer seeds as snacks, I notice that works very well. It took A LOT of patience and him trying to bite me but try holding a bowl in your hands and let him come to you and eat from that. Ringo still doesn’t really trust me but knows to ask me and get my attention for his seeds lol
Yeah, I'm having the same problem. Mine wont come near me at all and flies away whenever I go near and jumps to the bottom of his cage when I open it. 🥺 Also having trouble with him going back in his cage as he loves to be out too much 🤣
I’ve learned to trim his flight feathers , open cage door , put a favorite fruit on your self and just wait for him ; once he figures out the situation his whole attitude shout chill out !
Move a chair next to him not too close !

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