Help getting a little green cheek comfortable with hands


New member
Mar 9, 2024
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Hello, i recently got a 50 day old conure. He had 0 fright of hands as he was hand fed, but recently he got stuck in an unreachable spot, and i had to grab him harshly to get him out. Since then he is afraid of my hands touching him, only being comfortable when food is on them.
Ive tried holding a finger next to him for some time, and it doesnt seem to be working that much, any suggestions?
I would break it down further and give him less and less food on your hand until he's stepping onto it without food. Might take a while. Sounds like he had quite the scare! The other option is to stick train him and reward him when he steps up on it. The eventually bring your hand closer to him when he's on the stick. :)
I am going through that with my new GCC green cheek conure. She was born in November. Got her from a pet store. I have quite a few suggestions.

Reach out to me. It is too long to type at this moment.
I don't know if vampire mispoke (wrote) but I'd give more treats and have to be taken from hand. We've all, most of us anyway had to rangle a bird out of some place or anouther they got into.... It doesn't loose trust, i mean it does for a bit but they forget or realize oh he saved me. I'd offer treats by hand and attention.

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