Help! Conure vs Pionus?


New member
Mar 6, 2012
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Calabash, NC
Basil - Turquoise Green Cheek Conure :)
I always seem to be in a state of uncertainty; which is good, I suppose, because this is going to be a long relationship.

My recent dilemma is this:

I've had my heart set on a Pionus. They're so pretty to me, they have great personalities (from what I've heard), they are quieter and more self-entertaining. (No, I do not plan on ignoring my bird. I just am looking for something that can possibly find equal pleasure in their toys from time to time.) As some of you know already, my boyfriend is not too keen on a bird as I wanted to find a quieter, friendly parrot that could win him over.

Now, I work at pet smart and we sell conures. I sneak back into the bird area and socialize with them. The GCC are just dolls. Absolute lovers! And I find myself growing more attached to them.

There in lies the issue. I know very little about the home habits of a conure! Eek!

How would you describe your conure? (Let's say in...five words? haha)

If you know anything about the Pionus, how would you compare the two?

Any insight/help is super-dooper greatly appreciated! <3 :D

Okay, so I really can't find anything about Green Cheeks I don't find adorable (Looking at a Yellow-sided GCC).

Have I answered my own question? Possibly.

I'd love to hear about your GCC. :3
Five words? How about three: busy, busy, busy. My green cheek is always on the go, bouncing around in his cage, chewing up his toys, doing acrobatics on his playgym. About the only time he's calm is when he's snuggling with me -but even then, his beak may be chewing holes in my T-shirt. Green cheeks can become biters if they're not handled properly and their early nipping isn't properly redirected. My bird's not what I would call noisy, but some other green cheeks use their voice more often than mine does, and some people object to the tonal qualities of a green cheek's call. So BE SURE you hear some green cheeks doing their worse, and that you can live with that volume and tonal quality of sound before you bring one home! (Really, people should do this with any bird species they're considering, as one person's "loud and unbearable" is another's "just fine".)
I love my GCC!
During the day he's: Happy, curious, energetic, excited and friendly.
During the night he's: Snuggley, warm, fluffy and wants me to make him feel safe.

I can't say I've ever seen a Pionus before though.
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