Help calculating oral suspension of doxycycline?


New member
Jun 29, 2024
Two lovebirds and a Quaker!
Work cut my hours and I can't afford the 400+ dollars to get my birds seen and treated right now. Looking for a new job but havent found anything yet. I am attempting to save money in the meantime. I know this is risky but I need to do SOMETHING now or they will only get more sick.

I just need to know how to make an oral suspension of doxy tablets. It's 25mg per kg of body weight. For 45 grams that would equal 0.02 ml every 12 hours for 45 days, correct? The tablets I'm looking at contain 7.5 grams each. How would I calculate how much liquid to put the powder in? The website says 1/2 a tablet for birds that weigh 100 grams.

Please I am not here to be judged or ridiculed, I am simply trying my best to do what I can so my birds don't die. Thank you. I'm hoping to get them seen within the next week or two and I will be skipping eating and rent to get it paid for.
I’m very sorry to hear about your situation. I hope your parrots are okay, and that you are able to find work soon.

May I ask why you think your parrots are sick so I understand the entire situation?

Vets are very expensive. I don’t think anyone on here would ridicule you for not being able to afford one.

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