HELP!!! Baby Severe Macaw!! First time baby owner!!

Royal Palm Beach, Florida


Sid. i will put a posting out to some of my rescue friends and see if they have anyone in your area that can help you or at least hands on guide you. PM me you contact info (if you would like me to try and find someone) and if I make contact with anyone in your area, I will give it to them privately. Elaine and Hahnna
i would try to find an avian vet in your area. Get him checked asap they will tell you what you need to do. Tonight i would probably feed him every 4to 5 hours. When i got my umbrella cockatoo she was not weaned she took 30cc twice a day. She was 3 months old and a bigger bird. The formula should give you an idea of how much to feed and how warm. Do not make it to hot. Get a thermometer and measure the temp. It will tell you how hot on the back of the formula bag. I think 99 deg is best but double check for his age. Meat therm works not human. Will you be home with him tomorrow to keep feeding him?

and check it in multiple spots!

Formula can have hot spots, and this can cause burned crops that will kill or seriously maim your baby!!!
Sid. i agree with the advice of finding an Avian vet. I did post on my FB page asking my parrot groups if there is anyone in your area, that could mentor you. It is important though to get the baby checked out and have an Avian vet for emergencies.
Sid. i would also suggest if possible to use Roudy Bush or Harrisons for hand feeding formula. Exact has had some recalls and is also not the best. Please try to get the baby into an Avian vet.
Yeah I just saw the katee exact had a lot of recalls. I would switch too if you can. Harrison's is great and my baby loved the food. Also side note. I'm sure you know this. Just be sure to wash all syringes and dishes well and rinse well. I use grapefruit seed extract that you can get at the health food store. Or like they may have told you vinegar and water. You use 25 drops of the GSE in a large plant spray bottle. I do this after I washed her dishes in dawn with bleach.
Sorry I cannot respond to your PM. It appears PRIVATE MESSAGES ARE NOT PRIVATE HERE. They must have put me in moderation for trying to help you. I am sorry. Call me if you have time. I will be in later this afternoon.
I am glad the baby is doing better. Hugs
Sorry I cannot respond to your PM. It appears PRIVATE MESSAGES ARE NOT PRIVATE HERE. They must have put me in moderation for trying to help you. I am sorry. Call me if you have time. I will be in later this afternoon.
I am glad the baby is doing better. Hugs

Yes, PMs are QUITE private here. And as far as I'm aware, there should be absolutely NO reason you can't use the private messaging system.

If you have problems, please contact one of the moderators via PM. :)

Thank you very much.
Well I sent two a little while ago, and neither of them were sent. ETA: Just sent you a PM and it went through. Sent OP two PMs and they did not.
Well I sent two a little while ago, and neither of them were sent. ETA: Just sent you a PM and it went through. Sent OP two PMs and they did not.

OP is currently reading your PMs. :) And no, I can't read the messages you send to members, but I can see that she is reading them. I also replied to your PM.
Can you see the second message I sent you Wendy? It does not show in my sent box.
Can you see the second message I sent you Wendy? It does not show in my sent box.

You have your settings so that any PMs you sent will NOT be saved.

I did received and answer your second PM and explained how you can change those settings. :)
I owe an apology. I am sorry if I jumped to conclusions.

No need to apologize, no biggy. :)

We're all just trying to help SYD and her precious baby.

I wish her ONLY but the very best!!

And THANK YOU for going out of your way and helping her!!! :D
JerseyWendy and Keepsmiling. Have we heard from Syd? I know I shouldn't be so involved but I confess to being concerned about her little guy. I wonder if he is eating ok, if she found a vet for the little guy. I really hope her silence doesn't mean she lost him.
I was worried too, so you are not alone. I really hope everything is ok.
Gosh, I'm just reading through these, and I'm really hoping everything is going alright for Syd and the baby bird. Hope she updates us soon!
JerseyWendy and Keepsmiling. Have we heard from Syd? I know I shouldn't be so involved but I confess to being concerned about her little guy. I wonder if he is eating ok, if she found a vet for the little guy. I really hope her silence doesn't mean she lost him.

Nope, we haven't, not a single word. :(

I sure hope the baby is doing all right.

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