Help! baby lovebirds

It's feathers not food particle. Thanks Mikey for the advice. I pulled out already the eldest chick since the two are too small and I'm afraid I can't hold them gently. I'm more comfortable holding the eldest chick and I'm very happy about it. I've handfed already and the chick is very cooperative and easy to handfeed. I handfeed it every 4 hours. :)

That's good news, is the younger two getting full belly now since the oldest one isn't there to compete anymore???
Also forgot to ask, did you get a brooder setup for the oldest baby???
Let's see in the coming days if the two have improvement.. I've just made a brooder set up made from shoe box then put shredded paper on it and put a droplight to provide warmth for the chick
If you do proceed to have more chicks down the road you can get a 10g aquarium/reptile tank with the wire lid on it. Then you can use one of those shop clamp light with the reflector thing on it and use a 60w bulb to be used as a brooder. And you can cover one side of the tank with a towel to keep the heat in. You can also put a shallow dish of water in there for humidity reasons.
I'm sad because the two chicks I left with their parents died. I found them dead this morning; one inside the nest box while the other one at the bottom of their cage, seem it was force to go our their nestbox. Poor babies :( .. However the one I wean out and handfeed seems to grow healthy. Very cute, cudly and easy to feed. If only I decided to handfeed them all maybe they'll still be alive. I regret it and lesson learned

Sorry to hear about the two younger one, that happens and you always have to keep an eye on them and hand feed if you must. The oldest baby is looking good though!
Seems my lovebirds left foot grows abnormal where one of its finger can't be straighten.

You have to keep working on that! Get a perch that's smaller so he can learn to grip all the way around. Keep practicing to try to straightening it out. The younger they are the easier it is to cause you can little stretcher things to put on their food. As they fully mature it gets harder but they're usually pretty adjusted that it doesn't bother them at all.

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