Help / Advice on picking species


New member
Jul 26, 2007
Hey everyone. I love birds, have owned a Meyer's in the past, and am looking to purchase a larger bird to be my new best friend. Here is my situation, I would like everyone's advice on what would be a good pick for me.
I am:
-Living in a fairly large, 2 story apartment, so space shouldnt be an issue, but noise is!
-Live alone
-Work, and go to school so house will be empty at least 2 days out of the week for a good ammount of time

I want:
-A larger bird
-One that enjoys interaction, holding, petting, etc

I have been considering red front macaws because there are intelligent, cute, cuddly, etc, but am woried of the noise.
, and i am in love with Grey's because they are quiet, cute, etc, but am worried they are too inteligent and will get bored on their own. What do you think? Are any of these good choices, or do you have other suggestions?

First, WELCOME, Jake! :D ... I think you will find a plethora of useful information here as well as fun comeraderie!

I cannot speak toward a Mac or a Grey (though, I'm sure others will be along in short order to visit and help); my biggest bird is a Maximillian Pionus. They are not loud, but do like to talk (but are not known for their talking abilities), they do a good job of self-entertainment when necessary, and enjoy human interaction. Just one species you might consider ...

Again, welcome and enjoy reading and gathering information! :47:
maybe a severe macaw although they are still loud - if you want a cuddler go for a smaller too although do lots of research on these guys - eclectus are nice and quiet but from what i've heard they don't like to be held and petted as much as others. You've come to the right place to find info on greys Chi and Peta can answer just about anything. Keep us updated :) and welcom to the forums!!!!
Welcome welcome welcome - we want pics! Opps, thas right you dont have your fiddie yet hehe my bad

The biggest bird I have is my male lovebird. That said, from what I have read and learned, the Greys are a pretty good option although they can be loud at times but not like an average too or anything.

Others will be around with better information.

Oh and did I say welcome??? :D
Welcome to the forums!!!

Firstly I will be the first to say that I also live in a 2 bedroom apartment, where noise is a bit of factor (I'm lucky nobody here seems to mind my birds) I have a Mealy Amazon (They can produce the same volume noise as a Macaw or a Too) I would have to say that any Macaw, Too, or Amazon is not a great idea. My friend who lives above me has Grey's, Her Grey's are not quiet birds, not quite as loud as my Amazon, but they make noise alot more then myself. My personal suggestion knowing what it is like to live in an apartment with a large bird is to wait on a larger species bird. I know me and my friend go through alot of stress with the noise and worries of complaints or being evicted.
Maybe you should try a smaller bird, until you move somewhere where the noise isn't much of a factor.
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Thanks everyone, so far, for the advice, and thanks for the welcome! Keep suggestions / help coming, especially if you have personal knowledge, its much appreicated. To the post above me, I actually own the place, so I wont be moving anytime soon. Luckily, that mean I cant be kicked out either, but dont want any angry neigbors. I fell in love with a beatiful red front today, but am scared of the noise (he wasnt too loud in the store, but who knows on his own...) Part of me is thinking of taking him home, and crossing my fingers...but the whole "trial" thing just seems weird.
I would suggest conures for a big bird personality in a smaller bird package but noise wise lets just say I can hear Sidney hollering before I ever unlock the front door! Space wise though they would be a great choice here's a link to a breeder I know that has a very nice page comparing the various common species.
Hi Jake and wellcome to the forum! :)

Well I own a rosella, a cockatiel and a yellow crowned Amazon, they are all loud at times but the Amazon is far more louder..I also live in an appartment but the building is very big and the neighbors haven't complained yet(until they kick me out once and for all the noise my birds have made over the years:D), kidding we also own the place..

It sounds like you want the all in a package bird that everyone has dreamed of..:04:

-Amazons not an option since noise is a matter
-Greys with a large cage, plenty of toys could be (better knows Peta, Darkchi)
-toos might face matter of noise but very sensitive if left alone...
-macaws I don't know much....:D

you said definetely no to smaller birds?
If you change your mind go ahead and ask.. c u around!
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Here is what Im thinking about my choices. I absolutely love the red fronted, the only downside to him (her?) is the possible noise. The only thing i can do about that, since he seems quiet, is to take him home, and wish for the best...and bring him back if it gets bad.

Or I can do the Grey. Only downside is they are not as playful as the red fronted, and am still paranoid that they will get bored or mad at my busy schedule.

In the back of my head, Im thinking that that perhaps the Senegal I saw is the best, but I just love larger birds and honestly I would prefer a talkitive bird (I know, even the grey might not talk!)

So thats my 2 cents, whats yours? Again, otehr species suggestsions are welcomed!
I think if you take in any animal that you aught to be making a commitment to that animal, not just for a short while while it is easy or convenient. Please make sure you get the right kind of bird before you get any. Try looking up rescues; not only are there many many birds there needing homes, but the staff will know the birds in their charge. Also maybe volunteer a few hours a week at a rescue; you may just meet the bird of your dreams.
Hi and Welcome Jake,

Greys, yep they are clever and yep they can be noisy, they love stimulation and human company, but also like time on their own. Its very hard to say how they will cope with being on their own, as every bird is so individual. When I only had Bucc here, he was a lot quieter than he is know that we have Kito. :D

A Too, well I don't have one here so couldn't give you personal info on them.

I think you are going to find that the larger birds are gonna be capable of being noisy just because of their size, How much of a problem is noise. How much do you think you could get away with?
Have you ever thought of a Ringneck, or a bird of a similar size? (Just wondering)
RFMs and SMac are on my future hit list ... they are both great birds ... Severes tend to be a slight more on the "ticking timebomb" side becuase they are a touch high strung ... I hope that you understand that with a larger bird you get more noise! Something else that concerns me is this part of your post ...

I Work, and go to school so house will be empty at least 2 days out of the week for a good ammount of time ...

Big Macs are a four to six hour a day MINIMUM face-to-face/cuddle/training time commitment and if you lock your mac in a cage all day, boy, are your neighbors going to pi$$ed at you! :eek: 'Cause if your mac aint happy aint no one in the neighborhood going to be happy.

I would advise your to consider your options carefully and we can all suggest different species for you, but for now and under your curent situation and time constraints I would advise that you hold off on the big guys for a while ... (also, you never mentioned what kind of BIG MAC experience you have ... BIG MACs aren't for rookies ... that's how they all end up rehomed ... )
Me, I'd LOVE a big guy, but I know I am not educated enough to do the best for one. For that matter I went into having birds before I really knew anything about them other than having had budgies growing up (none that lived longer than about 5 years max I will add). Now I feel I know at least the basics about the little guys and a bit about the big guys. This is over the course of less than 18 months. It takes time, and I know I am only scratching the surface ont he big guy info.
Also, some of the smaller guys are a huge riot and they can be kept in a massive cage so when you are not there they still have room to be birds and entertain themselves. Also, I keep my curtains open and my TV on when I am going to be away for any length of time (2 hours or longer), and when I am going to be gone really long (like over 5 hours) I have someone come into my room to say hi to them and give them attention. But yah, you may want to consider a smaller bird with how your lifestyle is. Cockateils can talk, are not very noisy (usually, from what I understand) and can do all kinds of tricks and stuff. Also they can be in a hugenormous cage all day and not feel closed in or as cramped as a big guy would. But still, please consider a rescued bird. Most of my pets are either rescues, or pre-rescues (in bad situations where they'd soon end up in a shelter).
I would love a big mac, and one day maybe, for the time being tho, and even though I'm in a house, I still have neighbours that wouldn't be to happy if and when they start making a noise.

Before getting any bird, ask yourself this, What If..............

they should become screamers,

they don't take kindly to your being away

What happens when they reach sexual maturity, its not always a pleasant time for bird or human. Make a short list of birds that you would really like, then look at the good and bad points and do loads of research. Let us know what you decide on.

Don't think we are being rough on ya, Its just that we can only give suggestions based on our own personal knowledge of our birds.
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I appreciate your help! I think I kind of expected the advice, and probably just needed to hear it. I think im going to concentrate on smaller birds for now. I was looking at a ringneck yesterday, actually. Also like senegals, and rose brested cockatoos. For the latter, how do they compare with there more popular brothers? I know those cockatoos can be LOUD and very stubborn.

Thanks again!
Senegals are wonderful birds, and definately on my very long list of birds to be getting. :D I had a ringneck a few years back and he was wonderful, so comical and would sing along to "Bad Boys" and dance while singing. :04:

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