Hello I need help regarding my new parrot


New member
May 6, 2024
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Cockatiels and alexandrine
I just bought alexaderine parrot he was hand tamed today I tried to pick it on my hand but he wouldn't come was scared he came out of his cage when I offered my hand he just jumped and landed on floor I picked him he came on my hand I ask the shopkeeper why he doesn't comes to hand he says the old owner of this parrot told him that he wasn't giving him much time and didn't let him out of his cage so he is a lil scared of hands now I need help if I should return it or I should wait give him time because he definetly looks scared I when turned off room lights he started moving in his cage and when I brought him in my house I sat infront of him for like 20mins and then I got near him he made his head all fluffy like he was telling me he is scared and doesn't want me near
Every parrot will need time to adjust to living in a new home. Just because they are "hand tamed" by the shopkeeper (or whoever "trained" him) doesn't mean that they will immediately want to be touched and held. It will take time to build trust and a bond. They will be nervous from suddenly being moved to a new place. You should spend time in front of your parrots cage to get him used to your presence.
Try to take it slow, and go at your parrots pace. Patience is key! 🗝
Every parrot will need time to adjust to living in a new home. Just because they are "hand tamed" by the shopkeeper (or whoever "trained" him) doesn't mean that they will immediately want to be touched and held. It will take time to build trust and a bond. They will be nervous from suddenly being moved to a new place. You should spend time in front of your parrots cage to get him used to your presence.
Try to take it slow, and go at your parrots pace. Patience is key! 🗝
Thankyou it's morning and saw he came out of his cage on his own I left the door open for him at night I offered him some treats he took it from my hand and dropped it and also he tested my finger while I was holding his food then I brought a banana and tomato for him he ate some from my hand then took bites and dropped it so I let the bowl near him and some water near him he washed his face and is eatting up on his cage I am sitting near his cage
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Like animalgirl said, please proceed at your parrots pace of acceptance and not the pace of your expectations. Parrots take time to settle in, scope out the lay of the land, learn who is good and who is shady (in their eyes). This can take a few days to as much as a few months. Sitting in front of the cage, reading something to him in a gentle voice - great way to help the bird settle in. Read this : https://www.parrotforums.com/threads/i-love-amazons-an-on-going-journey.65119/
Even tho it says I love Amazons, there is a TON of great, spot on info in there that applies to ALL parrots!

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