Hello from Western Australia!


New member
Feb 8, 2015
Hi! My name's Brendan. I hail from Perth, Western Australia. I'm 27, I live in a slightly rural area of the city, I work as a videographer/photographer and designer, I've been obsessed with birds for years, and I've just bought my first bird - an 8 month old female eclectus.

I'll most likely be asking many questions about my new feathered friend, and I hope to one day help in return when I'm a little more experienced.

Looking forward to meeting everybody here! :)
Hey Brendan, Welcome to the forum. We have a big group of knowledgable Ekkie enthusiasts, I'm sure they will be willing to help.
Welcome! Congrats on the new addition! Would love to see some of your photography, too!
Hi Brendan! Be sure to post some pics of your native birds in the wild to make all of us in the US jealous!
Why, hello from Western Australia! When you get settled in, we need PHOTOS! :D

EDIT: saw the photos in your other thread. She's lovely.
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Hi Welcome! Congrats on your new bird!
G'day! It's good to see yet another Aussie on the forum - welcome, Brendan and (insert birdie's name). We hope you enjoy meeting our members and finding lots of info here. When I first joined, I thought I knew a bit but quickly found out there was LOTS more to learn. It does feel good, being able to help others now that I have a bit more knowledge under my belt. Still learning, though! :)

We look forward to hearing all about you and your lovely Ekkie. Barney, Madge and Dominic say a cheery 'G'day' to her.

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