Hello from Mango (Sun Conure)


New member
May 26, 2013
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East Coast U.S
Sun Conure
Hi Everyone,
Brought this guy about 3 weeks ago he is going to be 1 year old next month. :)
He is comfortable enough to sit on my shoulder now while i do some work and watch youtube videos with him.

I need help training him :( i am having a hard time to train him to talk.. I know i need a lot of patient and give him a lot of time...

I am trying following words on him

Mango Treat (When i am about to give him a Mango Treat)

We usually talk to him like saying how are you doing what's up you want a mango treat etc etc..

Also, how i need help to get on my table so I can train him and have face to face chat vs on my shoulder etc..

Any tips? plzzzz :):orange:
Ever seen how a bird bobs its head before saying human words? He will understand to repeat words faster if YOU bob your head before saying the words you want him to repeat. Does it look silly? Yes. Does it work? Also yes. :)
welcome to the forum and congrats on your little guy.

he is still relatively new to your home so it will take time for him to trust you. he probably feels safe on your as its high up.
please keep in mind that, no matter how much training you do to teach him to talk he may never talk. although they have the capability he may chose not to.

keep up the training and dont try push him to fast, let him get comfortabke with you and your home. this coukd take weeks, months or even years. parrots require alot of patience.

good luckm keep us updated on your progress and we would live to see some pics
Hi there, and welcome to the forum. :) You've found the right place for questions, glad you joined us. :)

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