Dropping Back in to say Hello!


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Jul 22, 2023
Reaction score
Conure Green Cheek
Just checking in on Everyone friends! To say a Warm Hello from Teeko and I! And to see what's new. Teeko and I have been busy with Travel. And I've been off for awhile. I'm hoping everyone is doing great! And your friends are staying very healthy. Something new about Teeko? He's officially eating a fruit. Which he loves and that fruit is MANGO 🥭 the ONLY fruit he has started eating. I've tried for a year now to get him to enjoy strawberry's, bananas etc. he just wouldnt have it. But he loves his mango. Funny though because I've had no problem getting him to enjoy his veggies. So wonderful to see the New birds on here! Just tell me anything new friends! Can't wait to hear!

Teeko and I.
So good to see you and Teeko again! I'd love to see pics from your travel when you have time :)
So good to see you and Teeko again! I'd love to see pics from your travel when you have time :)
Yes! And YOU guys as well! I definitely need to get some photos up! Funny finding a pet friendly hotel and, they see you with a conure 😆 🤣 Teeko got every bit of the attention. And enjoyed the Hotel very well lol
Who wouldn't welcome that sweet Teeko with open arms? I bet that Teeko was the topic of conversation in more than one family while y'all were there:)
Who wouldn't welcome that sweet Teeko with open arms? I bet that Teeko was the topic of conversation in more than one family while y'all were there:)
Yeah I carry him in a travel back pack for Birds! Lol we got on the elevator. And Teeko is just staring at the guy behind me. And he goes "I've seen about everything" "but I haven't seen this" 😆😂. Teeko decided to make the Lamp Post above the bed his, and he had plenty of flight room to stretch his wings 🪽 he had a blast. Lol. Sometimes I'm like...man your energy is too much 😆 🤣 😂
Yeah I carry him in a travel back pack for Birds! Lol we got on the elevator. And Teeko is just staring at the guy behind me. And he goes "I've seen about everything" "but I haven't seen this" 😆😂. Teeko decided to make the Lamp Post above the bed his, and he had plenty of flight room to stretch his wings 🪽 he had a blast. Lol. Sometimes I'm like...man your energy is too much 😆 🤣 😂
Haha, I bet he was shocked! When the parrot club show was held at a big hotel here, the guests of the hotel were crowding around the entrance doors as everyone brought their birds in. Bet that wasn't on their vacation Bingo card!
I really love that Teeko went with you, he is a lucky boy ❤️

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