こんにちは Kevin-san! Tiki is so cute and beautiful. I see you are doing your research on the best care for him. You will find the information on this forum to be a gold mine of practical, wise and useful wisdom, accrued by sometimes painful experience of others. Spend a lot of time reading on here. I will make a few comments and I hope you take them as constructive advice.
Huts, like the ones shown in the pictures, are responsible for many parrot deaths. They frequently start to chew and pick at the fibers that these are made of, and they choke their little intestinal tracts over time. The fibers are not passed as poops and build up and build up over time. I would remove these and if Tiki likes huts, make them out of safe chewable materials, like thin wood veneer or safe paper. You seem very handy Im sure it would be easy for you.
Construction of homemade cages and aviaries is always a tricky thing. Good quality parrot cages are made of steel and then powder coated for corrosion protection. Powder coating is incredibly tough and most parrots can't chew it hard enough to flake it off the steel bars ( maybe macaws and cockatoos can). Homemade cages however are often built using some other bar or restraining material like commercially made galvanized netting or wire, usually from a DIY store. DO NOT USE any galvanized (zinc coated) products! Zinc is a soft metal, easily chewed off by parrots and it will cause heavy metal poisoning in your little Tiki rather quickly. If you are using wood as the framing for the cage, use a parrot safe wood and be aware that Tiki will start to chew that and possibly weaken the cage to the point of escape. Be aware of sharp edges on any material you use to construct a cage. Its very difficult to make a 100% safe homemade cage!
One last comment - I hope that Tiki is put back in his cage when ever you are out of your apartment. Parrots can not be trusted if left free without human supervision. They can chew on things that are not safe for them, like electrical wires (how they love wires!!), or unsafe wood, wall hangings, or even wall material!!.