Hello from a GCC adoptee


New member
Dec 31, 2013
Charlie - 2 1/2 year old GCC
Lilly - 1 1/2 year old GCC
Hi all! I am here because Charlie adopted me (his previous owner didn't have time for him, I couldn't bear to see him sold and, well, he just wanted to be with me). He has been part of my family for a year now and we also have beautiful Lilly, his bonded mate (since 6 months ago - also a rescue from someone who no longer had enough time for her)

I would love to talk to any other 'parronts' of bonded (non breeding) parrots and hear their experiences. My two love each other and love me too, it's so rewarding!

They have both recently grown their flight feathers back in fully, and to see them take flight, do two loops around the living room together and then land gracefully and carefully on my shoulder is an amazing experience that I never imagined I would have. These wild animals trust me :)

Oh yeah, they bite me as well, lol .... heading off for band aid treatment now
Hi welcome.
I got 4 gcc as well.
My second one actually broke out of his cage on hia first day to get to her ,instant love.
It's so rewarding to see them together.
I hope to see some pictures soon.

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