Hello evry one, I have wo question


New member
Jun 29, 2013
Cockatiel Ty, Parakeet Paolo, and Parakeet Peter
Question 1: My son and I just adopted 2 male parakeets. One is my son's and the other is mine. After quarantine, my son wants to house them together. I hope the parakeets will learn to speak. I thought that if you house them together or in the same room they will not learn to speak.

Question 2: My son rescued a cockatiel (ty) that landed on the roof of our house about 4 yrs. ago. Ty has learned a few tunes, the problem is that he does not allow anyone to come close to the cage, he attacks. Who ever had him most likely did not handle him. I have tried all these years to help him, but to no avail. I had another tiel that died 3 yrs. ago, she was so sweet and loved to be on my shoulder and go everywhere with me. She was easy to train. Any suggestions on how I can help Ty? Thank you.:grey:
If you can work with the parakeets one on one, it would be a lot easier then working with two that's together. But either way it can be done. Monkey see Monkey do, they will follow what the other one is doing pretty much. I have yet to hear a Parakeet speak but I've been told that they do, but never witness one.

With your Cockatiel, bribe him with treats. Open the cage door to see if he will come out on his own and lay treats at the entrance to see what he does. The main thing to train them is get them out of the cage first. A lot easier to train. But before that to stop him from going crazy by his cage is to just sit with him, talk to him, sing to him, read a book to him, whatever, just get him used to you by his side. Of course bribe with treats.
I've found most tiels are easy to "clicker train" . Start with a large millet spray (long ,far from hand) and work your way down to a shorter one,ubtil he's taking seeds from between your fingers. By that time you should be progressing to stepping up. Good luck, goggle "Clicker training parrots" go slow but keep moving forward. I wouldn't pay for DVD's, plenty of quality stuff free.
My cockatoo also attacked when I walked by the cage just two weeks ago. I've been doing some basic training and now he runs towards me for head scritches! Shuns like your bird might not even accept food for you if you are near, and most of what has already been suggested requires the bird to eat close to your hand. That might be too much to ask of Ty. To work up to that step just drop a small bit of his favorite food in his cup every time you walk by. That's how I did it with my bird and you can see how he is currently doing on my blog too!
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I had a parakeet about 3 yrs. ago that said a few words, some of them will learn to talk. Thank you for the tips on working with my teal.
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Well for the budgies, I had one from a pet store and he was a really sweet bird already and he repeated a word I had said so many times on the phone (hi!) that he just picked it up. I didn't have another bird so it was just one on one so I think your budgies will talk eventually. It does take a long time though. Good luck with all three. Sorry I cant help with the tiel.

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