Hello everyone :)


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Feb 20, 2022
I've been reading many many threads here over the past few months to learn as much as I can and am overdue for registering!

My son's girlfriend has had a cockatiel for 11 years and I adore him. He's always been an easygoing guy and we've gotten on well, but the past six months have been the first times petsitting him that he's trusted me 100% and it's such a delight!

I've had cats and dogs for 25 years and I currently just have one dog. My previous dog was almost 21, but started as a unsocialized fearful bitey rescue that took several years of behavior modification and trust/confidence building before we had a good partnership. He was my best boy for a very long time. My second dog, same breed, was also a rescue but is a total clown that wants to cuddle always and barks at everything she sees out the window in spite of training "inside voice" daily.

I haven't been able to figure out why out of all the stories here of all the various species, I'm drawn to both Indian Ringnecks and conures when they are *so* incredibly different. It hit me recently that the process with each sounds similar to the differences between each of my dogs 😂

The parrot rescue had green cheeks that were eager to say hi to me when they were out, and a third that was in the adoption process when I got there. Super cute! They also have an 18 month old IRN who's beak hasn't changed color yet but his ring is coming in. I missed some of what they said about his situation but he came to them completely bald from the head down with a skin infection two months ago. He's responded really well to vet care and he's leaving his new feathers alone. He is absolutely *terrified* of new people and of course hands.

I didn't go there to find a parrot; my intention was to start meeting birds and network with my local bird community, thinking by summer I'll feel prepared ;)

But..... 😆🤔

I'm going back next weekend specifically to spend time with the IRN in a quiet room, just to be near him away from all the ruckus.

I was a vet tech for 15 years (small animal practice, so, not many birds) and my favorite thing was creating trust with the really fearful pets, so I'm not entirely surprised I'm drawn to this IRN.

Aside from my first ever cat, all my pets have been ones I've felt a pull for even when I thought they weren't "right". So we'll see what comes with this little man!

They encouraged picture taking, so I'll see if I can attach a picture, but I'll remove it tomorrow since he isn't "my" bird.

😱 I wrote a novel! I apologize!
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Welcome!!! Aren't you amazing to be getting a rescue ! Whomever will be a lucky burd!

I wonder if he might be a hybrid? Or if this can be a sign of nutrition or liver? My Penny quaker rescue had a lot of black on her beak when I brought her home ( bad diet fatty liver) but it returned to normal within a few months...
I'm definitely no expert on beak color or IRN..

I will share this link , our member SilverSage wrote
Welcome to the forum!
I wonder if perhaps he is an African Ringneck rather than an Indian Ringneck. Their beaks are much darker and they are a bit smaller.
I have one of each, and I adore them. I also am drawn to pluckers and birds who have not had it easy in the past. Sounds like we may have something in common.

It took me 4 years to convince my ARN to trust us. He was abused in his former home.
Our IRN settled in really well with us pretty soon after he joined the family, but he wasn't mistreated before..

I'm so happy that you are not only looking at a rescue, but a plucked rescue.
It seems to me that he has already started stealing your heart.
Please let us know how your next visit goes!
Warm welcome and hugs your way! He is a handsome little guy with great potential! If you do end up bringing him home, please don’t hesitate to share more with us and your whole experience as well as any concerns you might have in the long run. Good luck to you and wishing you well!
This is full adult African ringneck, oposed to indian. The dead giveaway is the beak - ARNs have this dark purplish beak. It will never be bright red.

I hope you are 100% ready to take in this poor boy, cause it could get very difficult! Rescues (especially ringnecks plus a plucky one) will be a challenge for sure. Also make sure to buy a pair of earplugs because they are one of the loudest birds out there. Way louder than a green cheek conure (sun conures are on par though)

Wishing you all the best!
Thanks everyone!

Good thought on ARN vs IRN! The rescue did say they and their vet weren't 100% sure he was an IRN, since he was fully plucked when he came in.

While I don't have experience with pet birds that need extra or different care than usual, I do have experience working with untame animals (in my former veterinary tech job; I'm in human medicine now). I really enjoy the process of respecting their cues to develop communication rather than thinking the typical playbook will do the trick, so I think I'm pretty well prepared for a long journey if needed.

I can't say with 100% certainty I'd be the right home for this little guy, but I do understand he might never want to be my buddy and I know I have the patience to find out. I'm lucky that my house, while not large, does have extra bedrooms that can be turned into whatever would make a birdie happy long term :) It sounds like it will be a few months before he'll be ready to adopt, so thankfully I'm not under pressure to decide.

@Laurasea the Silver Sage Aviary posts are fantastic - I've read them a few times now when I've seen you link them on posts I've read, and really like the visualization of picturing yourself in a cage surrounded by sharks (edit - I don't like the visualization, haha, but it paints the picture very well).

Thanks again, all! I've read so many good threads while lurking and I hope to be able to contribute myself in the future :)
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I'm glad too! I've been using google a lot in the past month or few, but I kept gravitating towards the search results from this forum.

Over the past few days I've started to feel more and more like I'm sitting at a table eavesdropping on the group next to me, while becoming more invested in their stories, and felt like it was time to say hi!
Welcome aboard, appreciate your thorough, passionate intro! Kudos for considering a rescue, seems they've worked wonders for the Ringneck. When the time is right to adopt, consider letting the bird "choose" you once pre-qualified choices made. Bodes well for building trust and bonding!
Welcome aboard, appreciate your thorough, passionate intro! Kudos for considering a rescue, seems they've worked wonders for the Ringneck. When the time is right to adopt, consider letting the bird "choose" you once pre-qualified choices made. Bodes well for building trust and bonding!
Thank you for this - I've been in situations before where a (mammal) rescue group felt I was a good home more than I was a good match. It wasn't fun to turn them down but it was the right thing to do.

I really appreciate all the advice and encouragement here; I don't want to get ahead of myself and overlook something important!

That's impressive! Good care helps!

Except for one kitty that had a chronic illness when I adopted him, all my cats have lived over 20 years - I think Buster just didn't want to break the streak 😂
So glad you're here!
I didn't get to see the picture, it's okay though, I'm sure he's a beautiful boy :)

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