Hello, everybody! (Lots of photos!)

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Right on first pic, left on second. Thats Miley... I think! :)
Actually the other way around!
Here's a better picture comparing them when they're next to eachother:

People have told me that from only the colors, Alaska looks more female than Miley, but when comparing the two, everything else seems to suggest that Alaska is rather male, haha.

Green coverlets suggests female, males are all yellow and no green. However juvinelles have both. How old is Alaska? Visually, as i was told (lol) a females beak is narrower than a males. And they sit lower on a perch. Visually Alaska looks female to me.
She's 6 and still has female-indicated colors, yes, that's what's been confusing a lot of people and she's always been called a "she" haha!
I am not 100% sure what the experts telling me she's probably a he looked for, but while they were slightly unsure at first they agreed on male going by her behaviour and weight, I think.

Gaaah, I reeeeally need to get her DNA'd soon, haha! I am so curious, way more now than before too, haha!
Here is a picture of Rio, I believe her to be a female.


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Now I am so wondering what Mika is. I'm not sure what I would say if she were in fact male. 10 years of calling her a "her". haha
I still say "she" about Alaska and I will still do if she turns out to be a definite male, she's been known as a girl for all her life, I'm sure she secretly identifies as one too, and who am I to mess with her gender identification?? ;);):D


Merlin is a "classic" male I believe! He is DNA'd male though. :)
Also, I don't know how you folks can cope not knowing your birds actual gender, that would drive me insane! I hated the week of not knowing Merlin's sex!

I've only ever had 'proven' birds otherwise, so male breeding birds. My cockatoo was a proven male, and Charlie is too. Other than that I've had budgie's so their cere was a dead giveaway. Not knowing would drive me insane!
Here is a picture of Rio, I believe her to be a female.

Rio is a juvenile - who look like females until they molt out their feathers. Either showing more yellow/orange or sticking with their green.

Take a pic when Rio gets her orange circles around her eyes, that's a good indicater she's old enough to try and visually sex her properly.:p
Allright now I am getting confused. I was told by a Sennie breeder that the females have a much deeper green V on their chest while the males have a higher amt of the yellow and a shallower green V. Ok back to the drawing board:confused::D
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  • #27
Allright now I am getting confused. I was told by a Sennie breeder that the females have a much deeper green V on their chest while the males have a higher amt of the yellow and a shallower green V. Ok back to the drawing board:confused::D
Yes, that is often the case, but not quite always :D There are more things to look for, but I think visual sexing is a bit fuzzy with Senegals since I don't think there's any DEFINITE differences?
With some individuals, it might not be that hard to tell, but I wouldn't 100% trust visual sexing in a Sennie. I'd trust behaviour combined with visual a bit more, but I won't be sure with Alaska until I get her DNA results (and even then that might be wrong, but I'm gonna go with it anyways since there's no other way to tell haha, I will definitely not like let them have babies or anything)
I love watching the eyes on the senegals. At least with my redbellied you can tell the difference. :p:). I can't wait for your test results:D
I can't wait til your test results. My guess Miley is a male and Alaska is a female. Let us now, chomping at the bit. Rio is only 4 months, bot me and her breeder think she is a she, but I named her Rio (boy/girl) name in case she is actually a he. LOL

I guess if your Miley is a male you can call him Milo, for short. Alaska doesn't matter. This has been a great thread.
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  • #30
I can't wait til your test results. My guess Miley is a male and Alaska is a female. Let us now, chomping at the bit. Rio is only 4 months, bot me and her breeder think she is a she, but I named her Rio (boy/girl) name in case she is actually a he. LOL

I guess if your Miley is a male you can call him Milo, for short. Alaska doesn't matter. This has been a great thread.
Miley is already DNA'd female! :D
This thread have made me more curious about Alaska than before though, and I have now ordered a DNA kit, so pretty soon we'll know about her too! :p
I can't wait til your test results. My guess Miley is a male and Alaska is a female. Let us now, chomping at the bit. Rio is only 4 months, bot me and her breeder think she is a she, but I named her Rio (boy/girl) name in case she is actually a he. LOL

I guess if your Miley is a male you can call him Milo, for short. Alaska doesn't matter. This has been a great thread.
Miley is already DNA'd female! :D
This thread have made me more curious about Alaska than before though, and I have now ordered a DNA kit, so pretty soon we'll know about her too! :p

Hehe, couldn't wait could you not? :p
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  • #33

Guess the sex?
Probably a lil' boy! Though I'd like a better view of the head, hehehe :D

I can't wait til your test results. My guess Miley is a male and Alaska is a female. Let us now, chomping at the bit. Rio is only 4 months, bot me and her breeder think she is a she, but I named her Rio (boy/girl) name in case she is actually a he. LOL

I guess if your Miley is a male you can call him Milo, for short. Alaska doesn't matter. This has been a great thread.
Miley is already DNA'd female! :D
This thread have made me more curious about Alaska than before though, and I have now ordered a DNA kit, so pretty soon we'll know about her too! :p

Hehe, couldn't wait could you not? :p
Exactly!!! :D:p

Guess the sex?
Probably a lil' boy! Though I'd like a better view of the head, hehehe :D

Miley is already DNA'd female! :D
This thread have made me more curious about Alaska than before though, and I have now ordered a DNA kit, so pretty soon we'll know about her too! :p

Hehe, couldn't wait could you not? :p
Exactly!!! :D:p

The short V chest colour suggests male, the yellow feathers on his vent suggests male.

Frank/Frankie is actually a hen :D

It's Merlin's girlfriend at the vets ;)
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  • #35
The short V chest colour suggests male, the yellow feathers on his vent suggests male.

Frank/Frankie is actually a hen :D

It's Merlin's girlfriend at the vets ;)
Oooh, just like my Miley then! :D That shows you can't be quite sure with visual sexing! It's quite hard with Sennies, would be much easier if they were like Red-bellieds for instance, hahaha!

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