Hello! I am not an owner of budgies myself, but my grandmother is. She has 3 budgies (2 males, 1 female, at least 6 years old), all in the same cage. Upon looking at her budgies today, I noticed that the female has an overgrown cere. I can't tell if it's covering her nostrils, but apparently it's been growing since at least January. I saw various different results about it online so I'm not exactly sure why it's happening or how to fix it. In addition, they eat a generic parakeet/finch seed and have a calcium/cuttle bone, with occasional millet, so I'm not sure if diet could contribute to it as well. I attached some photos, but some health related/diet advice would be appreciated! I've never owned birds before so they're not my specialty. I don't believe my grandmother has access to an avian vet at this time but I will take all the tips I can get, thank you for taking the time to read!