He or She


New member
Sep 12, 2011
Leeds, England
Harlequin Macaw
Please let me have your opinion.
We had our Harlequin Macaw DNA sexed as a female, but Im wondering if they made a mistake.
She is now over 11 years old and has not layed an egg. She does all the usual Macaw things, regurgitating, pupils dilating and pinning.
The thing that confuses me is that she rubs the area of her cloacae on my neck and makes a low squeaking noise.
She never flattens down or presents herself when being stroked.
I really have a feeling she is a he.

Any opinions and experience from owners would be appreciated.
I don’t think not having laid an egg is conclusive in and of itself, and quite frankly I’m not sure you’d really want her to! I’ve had a number of hen birds over the years, some lay eggs and some don’t. The other behaviours you mention are fairly indicative of a hen though. Egg-laying as you probably know is not recommended since it can result in serious health issues so it’s best if you discourage it - without hurting her feelings of course!

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