He bit me again


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Apr 26, 2022
Reaction score
Han Solo - SI Male Eclectus
This last few months my boy has been very volatile.

Twice he has flown or jumped over to me & growled & bitten me before flying then off. (A planned thought by him)

Last week, he was on hubbys knee, hub broke an almond in half and was treating him, after giving him the last half .. Solo
turned around, jumped to hubbys hand growling, bit him & flew off screaming. I wasn’t in the room I just heard it.

Today he bit me again.. I was taking him into the lounge, I couldn’t get to where I usually ask him to step off.
So I asked him to stand on his tree with his toys instead. He didn’t want to get off, so he picked up a toy and was chewing it. I waited until he stopped & put it down, I then moved & asked him again at another branch.. this time he stepped off, but just before he released his second claw, he screamed, reached under the perch and bit me. Fortunately only the tip of his beak punctured.

The growling is happening more & more around different perches, plus trying to bite you…I can only assume today it’s because it wasn’t the normal morning perch. he is 3 and having a moult so I understand he is uncomfortable.

🦜 Is this be the terrible twos ??
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Phew no bites since the above, only once he seemed to do it in slow motion.. so I managed to shoo him away before he got to the target finger.
He still growls when he’s displeased with something or is being corrected, or espcially putting his bell away. Bless him he brings it over and puts it in my hand asking us to play with it, if I ignore him he will climb up me and bang my chin with it.. sadly he just gets too angry, we never can work out if he’s angry I’ve picked it up, held it too long or not picked it up at all.. he’s bitten for all 3 situations.
Blessings though he is not cage aggressive, we can get in his cage and clean it without any aggression to us.. he just sometime wants the cloth. He will also drop most things if I ask, he even dropped a nut into my hand recently. (Hazelnut in shell) only coz he can’t open them!
These last 2 nights he seems to be getting better sleep, all his feathers coming through have been really annoying him and even making him squawk out in the night. That seems to be easing.
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