Hawkhead parrot


New member
Mar 26, 2018
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I have a friend looking for a hawkhead. Does anyone have any leads to where he can find one?
Seek ye member Bill-e, who has one. Very rare companion parrot, but not impossible to find. Be better if we knew where you and your friend live.
We are located in Minnesota so most likely shipping is a must
Wish I could help. They've never been common, but I would see them here and there 5-10 years ago.

The breeder I got Kalani from bred hawkheads, but said his two just don't produce anymore.

Very unique birds, in a class of their own. Hope you find one!
Do you have the breeders name?
Do you have the breeders name?

eggs-otic parroting.
Paul and Steve.

They were great to deal with, but I haven't talked to them in a year or so. Looks like their website isn't up anymore either. From conversations with them it did seem like they were headed towards the tail end of their breeding careers and weren't getting any new birds.
My buddy just called them and they're still in business but like you said the pairs aren't producing as much.

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