Having a verbal "argument" with Sammy


Active member
Sep 9, 2018
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Sammy - Jardine's Parrot - Hatchday: 4.2.2014

Andy - Congo African Grey - Hatchday: 6.12.2018

Alex - Congo African Grey - Hatchday: 19.1.2021

Joey - Yellow faced spangle sky blue 1/2 Austrailian 1
Sammy (Jardine, 10 years old) can talk but will just mumble some nonsense most of the time.

A few days ago I (once again) told him to stop running across my laptop keyboard (he knows he is not allowed to). He "talked back" by mumbling something unintelligible. I responded that it doesn't matter what he says, he still isn't allowed to. He mumbled back at me. We kept going back and forth for multiple minutes. It was clear that he was responding to me and it certainly sounded like he understood that he was being told NO and that he was protesting this completely unjust and unfair rule.

This isn't the first time we've had a "conversation" similar to this one but it happens very very rarely. It's been over a year since it happened last time.

His unintelligible mumbling is so incredibly adorable.
Not surprised, Greys are quite intelligent, and their vocal ability is legendary. Keep it up, he might just start actually conversing with you!
The Rb sometimes "chats" with me... mostly monosyllabic shrieks, with a few of his favorite words thrown in. NO... GAIL... HAHHH! I know... it really is adorable. See if you can get it on video. Somewhere around here I have a clip of the Rb doing it... I'll see if I can find it.
Not surprised, Greys are quite intelligent, and their vocal ability is legendary. Keep it up, he might just start actually conversing with you!
The funny thing is that it was not one of my CAGS that did this. It was my Jardine!
Sammy (Jardine, 10 years old) can talk but will just mumble some nonsense most of the time.

A few days ago I (once again) told him to stop running across my laptop keyboard (he knows he is not allowed to). He "talked back" by mumbling something unintelligible. I responded that it doesn't matter what he says, he still isn't allowed to. He mumbled back at me. We kept going back and forth for multiple minutes. It was clear that he was responding to me and it certainly sounded like he understood that he was being told NO and that he was protesting this completely unjust and unfair rule.

This isn't the first time we've had a "conversation" similar to this one but it happens very very rarely. It's been over a year since it happened last time.

His unintelligible mumbling is so incredibly adorable.
That is really awesome that he has conversations with you! My conure loves to push things off the counters like a cat. He will use his beak and slowly push it until it’s on the edge and then we will watch it fall. He knows that he is not allowed to do it. So before he is about to do it he will move his head side to side “saying” no. (He mimics me 🙄) after it falls he will let out a quiet chuckle and does a sassy march/stomps to walk away. It is truly amazing how smart birds are! Everyday when my conure learns something new I’m surprised about how incredibly intelligent he is.

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