Hatchin' and Growin' !

A few thoughts

1. Food - suggest Add SPINACH

So my babies last summer were budgies, not cockatiels. But - I made SPINACH available, and mama budgie seemed to feel it was the most essential of all foods, both for herself and for her babies. So I suggest adding that to your list. (I used the baby organic spinach that comes in a plastic "clamshell" container from grocery stores.)

It was really cute, actually, watching her stuff herself, and then checking the babies after a while and their crops would be full of GREEN. :)

2. Might be time to Yes, Hand-Feed.
IF you think the baby Might not get enough food, then the risk of starving is bigger than risk from hand-feeding

Mama Calliope-Budgie laid 8 eggs, of which 4 hatched. She did a good job feeding them EXCEPT apparently the last one kept getting missed. Kitekeeper on this forum pointed out from my photos that number-4 was Not Growing.

At that point, I double-checked... and it was probably the very last moment possible. The littlest baby (whom I named Tiny) was entirely starved. Skin and bones. Not moving.

I had been afraid to attempt hand-feeding, having read of the possible dangers, but at that point Tiny would've died anyway. SO, if I killed her by hand-feeding, I was not gonna make anything worse. Right?

Thankfully the hand-feeding worked. After only a few feedings, Tiny started holding her head up. I was looking in the nest-box the first time Mama actually found her. It's now one of my best forever-memories. Mama Calliope was like, "oh THERE YOU ARE!!!", and basically held-down Tiny (as if she thought Tiny had been hiding or trying to get away), and began frantically stuffing food into her.

(After that, i basically just kept checking the nest, to make sure Tiny was visible and that mama had kept feeding her.)

So I would suggest the same for you. If you question whether parents are feeding baby, then I would strongly recommend to attempt hand-feeding.

---Regarding Handling: I thought that Handling the babies would be sufficient to make them friendly. In my case, it was Not. Tiny, who got some hand-feeding, is the only one who will let herself be touched. However, this was because Papa is a Touch-Me-Not budgie. Papa Jefferson is Otherwise friendly and not afraid of me BUT does not Ever want to be touched. I watched him teach the babies to Not let me touch them. IF your parent cockatiels are also Touch-Me-Not birds, then hand-feeding, at least some of the time, might be needed to keep the baby friendly. (Otherwise handling will probably be sufficient.)

---Regarding Nest materials & cleaning: I used aspen shavings in the box. I got some water-resistant cage liner paper (pricey!), and would line the box with that, then put the shavings on top. (This was after my first cleaning of the box, which required removal of the whole nest box to remove the (very!) dirty shavings.)
  • EGGS HATCHED - 1/1
Hey all! My SO was over for the past four days, which is the reason for the lack of updates to this thread! I have some unfortunate news to share with you all, however.
On Saturday morning, after the death of the chick was discovered on Friday, one of the other eggs began to have some grey mottling. I left it in the nest, although I was concerned that this would point to the chick being DIS. Sure enough, on Monday, I saw that the grey mottling had spread and there was a yellowed tint to the egg. As a result, I was forced to remove this egg.

The very first chick from the very first egg is still alive- but it appears to be a little bit behind in development. Although it is 8 days old, it still has the appearance of a 6 day old (but the size of a 7 year old). Its eyes have not opened yet, and there is no feather development on the wing- there is more yellow down across the chick, however. I am concerned. Can anybody point me to a solution for this? Do I need to intervene? The chick is still active and walking around, and the parents seem to be feeding it at regular intervals. I've changed their diet for today, however their diet for the previous four days was the same as on Day 4.

Parent's food for today:

  • Sweet Potato
  • Butternut Squash
  • Sweetcorn
  • Carrots
  • Kale
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Peas
  • Eggfood
  • Pets At Home Cockatiel Seed Mix
  • Probiotic Supplement
  • EGGS HATCHED - 1/1
Hey all! My SO was over for the past four days, which is the reason for the lack of updates to this thread! I have some unfortunate news to share with you all, however.
On Saturday morning, after the death of the chick was discovered on Friday, one of the other eggs began to have some grey mottling. I left it in the nest, although I was concerned that this would point to the chick being DIS. Sure enough, on Monday, I saw that the grey mottling had spread and there was a yellowed tint to the egg. As a result, I was forced to remove this egg.

The very first chick from the very first egg is still alive- but it appears to be a little bit behind in development. Although it is 8 days old, it still has the appearance of a 6 day old (but the size of a 7 year old). Its eyes have not opened yet, and there is no feather development on the wing- there is more yellow down across the chick, however. I am concerned. Can anybody point me to a solution for this? Do I need to intervene? The chick is still active and walking around, and the parents seem to be feeding it at regular intervals. I've changed their diet for today, however their diet for the previous four days was the same as on Day 4.

Parent's food for today:

  • Sweet Potato
  • Butternut Squash
  • Sweetcorn
  • Carrots
  • Kale
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Peas
  • Eggfood
  • Pets At Home Cockatiel Seed Mix
  • Probiotic Supplement
So nutrient dense and filling! Sounds yum! (For them at least haha)
  • EGGS HATCHED - 1/1
Good afternoon! The chick is beginning to get quite big- but no eyes open yet! I can hear a wider range of noises from the chick, however- a stronger 'feed me!' sound is developing, as well as discomfort, fear, and happiness sounds. I cleaned the box out today (basically just changing the wood shavings since nothing had soaked through the thick layer) and the chick cuddled into my hand. She's so cute!

Parent's food for today:

  • Sweet Potato
  • Butternut Squash
  • Sweetcorn
  • Carrots
  • Kale
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Peas
  • Rice
  • Eggfood
  • Pets At Home Cockatiel Seed Mix
  • Probiotic Supplement

I'm a little bit concerned about this chick's development- her beak seems concerning to me as well. This chick is nine days old- thoughts?
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  • EGGS HATCHED - 1/1
Still no open eyes..- but the feet and wings have developed! I think that I can see some light pin feathers coming in at the wings. I wonder if the white streak across both of its eyes are its attempts at opening them.. Perhaps with some water, I could dampen the eyelids and help the chick open its eyes? I'll try tomorrow if I need to do that. I think that it is developing- just slowly. Any tips? I fed the chick a bit of formula today to try and help its development- luckily nothing went wrong! I was very nervous but I sterilized everything, used hand sanitizer, boiled water and then let it cool to the necessary temp (38 celcius exactly), kept my room heated to 30 celcius throughout the feeding... The only concern that I had was the thickness of the formula, but I followed the instructions on the back of the pack for the ratio of formula to water. I've seen somewhere that coconut water can be used instead of regular water for chicks who are behind in development. Maybe I'll try that!

Parent's food for today:

  • Sweet Potato
  • Butternut Squash
  • Sweetcorn
  • Carrots
  • Kale
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Peas
  • Red Cabbage
  • Chicken
  • Pets At Home Cockatiel Seed Mix
  • Probiotic Supplement


It's hard to see in this image, but the chick has little claws developing! I couldn't get a good picture of the wings. When I picked it up, its feet wrapped around my finger like a normal tiel's. I think that it's possible that for the first few days of its life, where it was not being properly warmed by its parents, the chick was chilled- resulting in slower development. For those first few days, it did not actually develop until the parents figured out how to have the chick under their wing- at which point it began to grow much more noticeably. I think that the bird's main issue is just temperature. I might invest in a brooder. What do you guys think?
I think the eyes will open themselves when they are ready.

Would strongly advise against trying to help with that process, opening the eyes before the eyes are ready to open themselves, could damage their development.
I think it will open its eyes when it is ready.

Would strongly advise against trying to help with that process, opening the eyes before the eyes are ready to open themselves, could damage their development.
Alright! I'll keep waiting then!
  • EGGS HATCHED - 1/1
Ahh- at last! Some serious growth has begun to occur. On Friday, I made some modifications to the nesting box. First, I created a temporary brooder using a heating mat (the type which people would use) and an Easter Egg box (oops! I ate my eggs a little bit early) while monitoring the temperature (and the chick!) to ensure that all was well. I hand-fed the chick during this time. As for the box, I was able to install a heating mat on the ceiling (with a thermostat and a thermometer which I can monitor on my phone). I also cleaned out the wood shavings. Prior to this, I was having to hold my hand to the chick nearby the radiator in order to keep it warm as the parents were only feeding the chick- never warming it. I wonder why! Now, however, the chick can stay warm and be fed well by its parents. Since Thursday (where I first worked on keeping the chick warm), it has grown really fast! Its eyes have begun to open, although curiously, the right eye appears to be more developed than the left. Pin feathers for the wings and the crest have also come in! All appears well with the chick.

The parents have fed the chick several times over the weekend and don't appear to have noticed the installation of the heat mat. I've been checking the temperature every hour with two thermometers, and it appears fairly trustworthy! I'll be able to stay home to monitor the box and the chick for the next week.

Here are some pictures!


Don't worry! This tape is specifically for holding the mat to the ceiling. It won't melt. The mat is also infrared, so it doesn't get hot- it just gives off heat!


I was so nervous every time that I hand-fed the chick, but I think that made me more cautious and careful. I triple checked everything throughout the process and it should all be fine! These pictures are from today. I was trying to clean the chick's beak, but then it moved forwards and cuddled into my hand. Ahh, I feel so lightweight!

Parent's food for today:

  • Sweetcorn
  • Carrots
  • Kale
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Peas
  • Red Cabbage
  • Basil
  • Rice
  • Pets At Home Cockatiel Seed Mix
Its great to hear improvements of the chick!
Have you planned any names yet?
Not yet! I'm struggling to think of any that could fit a male or a female. Actually, I'm notoriously bad at guessing genders- I named my female 'tiels Bobby and D'ion because I thought they were male when I bought them! Do you have any ideas?





























Both genders:





Still got many more but i gtg for now
  • EGGS HATCHED - 1/1
The left eye has opened further, but the second is still a tiny slit- however, the fact that it has opened slightly means that it'll probably just open in its own time. More feathers have begun to sprout on the chick, and the temperature inside of the box appears to be perfect! I have no concerns for today. The parents are sitting inside the box more regularly now as well- I wonder why?

Parent's food for today:

  • Sweetcorn
  • Carrots
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Peas
  • Red Cabbage
  • Basil
  • Eggfood
  • Pepper
  • Lettuce
  • Pets At Home Cockatiel Seed Mix
  • EGGS HATCHED - 1/1
Further development has occurred and I have some pictures from today! Its right eye is concerning me somewhat..- There's a tiny opening, but it appears to have somehow been re-sealed over. Hopefully it's all fine, though! What mutations do you guys think that it'll have?


Parent's food for today:
  • Sweetcorn
  • Carrots
  • Kale
  • Peas
  • Red Cabbage
  • Basil
  • Cauliflower
  • Egg
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Spinach Linguine
  • Baby Leaf
  • Pets At Home Cockatiel Seed Mix
I think that I shall be going with the name Chui! It means 'attention' in Japanese, but it also sounds like 'chewy'- I think that both would fit a cockatiel quite well!

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I can't tell from the picture but one of my baby Tiels had a stuck eyelid (named him popeye).
It turned out to be stuck on regurgitated food.
I had the vet clean it up.
Hi there, and welcome. Your baby tiel looks adorable. I'm sorry for the loss of your other ones.
  • EGGS HATCHED - 1/1
Further development has occurred and I have some pictures from today! Its right eye is concerning me somewhat..- There's a tiny opening, but it appears to have somehow been re-sealed over. Hopefully it's all fine, though! What mutations do you guys think that it'll have?

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Parent's food for today:
  • Sweetcorn
  • Carrots
  • Kale
  • Peas
  • Red Cabbage
  • Basil
  • Cauliflower
  • Egg
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Spinach Linguine
  • Baby Leaf
  • Pets At Home Cockatiel Seed Mix
I think that I shall be going with the name Chui! It means 'attention' in Japanese, but it also sounds like 'chewy'- I think that both would fit a cockatiel quite well!

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I think the cockatiel is going to have grey/dark feathers of some sort, but I'm not sure about mutation.
  • EGGS HATCHED - 1/1
We're getting closer to what I like to call the 'Stub Demon' phase! Both eyes are open, but I'm definitely concerned about the other eye. It looks to have some kind of a blueish tint to it.. Like it's milky. Is this abnormal? I can't find any posts about something like this. Could it be an infection? If so, is there any antibiotic I could purchase for it online? I'm not sure how well the forums will translate these images, but for comparison:




In person, it's a slightly lighter blue. And what's that over his eye?

Parent's food for today:

  • Sweetcorn
  • Carrots
  • Kale
  • Peas
  • Red Cabbage
  • Thyme
  • Spinach
  • Babyleaf
  • Rocket
  • Lettuce
  • Pets At Home Cockatiel Seed Mix
Update: After reading further into the issue, it may be possible that the chick is either permanently or temporarily blind. See his lower eyelid? That could be the result of some trauma that has damaged the eye. This could heal in a few months, or be a permanent loss of vision due to the fullness of the discoloration. He seems to respond more to things entering his left flank of vision than his right flank of vision- but he still responds.. So perhaps things are just a blur? Or the eye could still be under-developed, despite being open. It's puzzling, but it doesn't seem to indicate anything that's fully dangerous to life. I did see Milo accidentally peck him in his eye while trying to preen his cheek feathers, so that could be the cause.. We'll just have to wait and see!
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