Has this happend to you / your bird ?


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
A few minutes ago, Mishka was sitting on my lap, we had just finished his training session.

Steven was sitting closeby, watching TV. :22:

There was a moment's silence, between adverts.... and we heard a grumbling sound.......... :eek:

We both looked at each other, and burst out laughing, it was Mishka stomach grumbling.
Mishka just there........ looking at us as if we were mad.
I have never heard a bird stomach grumbling ever, and Mishka spends many many hours on my lap.

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That's a first for me.. I never heard a birds stomach grumble before. I'm sure it was hysterical.
I have heard Audreys stomach grumble lol! Usually she just wants to sit on my shoulder all day, so I imagine she gets hungry up there and her belly starts grumbling lol.
No... but I don't think Odin ever gets hungry, he eats constantly, it seems lol
Nope, Ive never heard a belly growl. That must have been great. Mango has made verbal sounds that might be similar to a stomach grow. Mishka is a very good talker, are you sure it was her tummy.
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Nope, Ive never heard a belly growl. That must have been great. Mango has made verbal sounds that might be similar to a stomach grow. Mishka is a very good talker, are you sure it was her tummy.

LoL That was definitely his stomach. He actually stopped talking for a few minutes..:eek:

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I have heard Audreys stomach grumble lol! Usually she just wants to sit on my shoulder all day, so I imagine she gets hungry up there and her belly starts grumbling lol.

Mishka had already eaten, guess his stomach was saying THANK YOU LoL

The only bodily function I ever hear is when Molly has that pressure relieving morning poop. LOL I can hear it exit her vent with such a squishy noise. LOL. Sorry, I had to share! :)
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The only bodily function I ever hear is when Molly has that pressure relieving morning poop. LOL I can hear it exit her vent with such a squishy noise. LOL. Sorry, I had to share! :)

I enjoyed this one.... :D

That "morning bomb" is a funny one.
I stand near Mishka, even hear him breathing heavily when pushing haha

The only bodily function I ever hear is when Molly has that pressure relieving morning poop. LOL I can hear it exit her vent with such a squishy noise. LOL. Sorry, I had to share! :)

This made me laugh! Dave actually got hit with one of these. No one warns you about the weird poop when you investigate bird ownership. You are warned that they do it a lot, and that they scream and need attention etc, but no one warns you that if they eat blueberries it might come our purple, or that they drop a HUGE bomb in the morning. Dave was taking Mango from his night time cage to his daytime cage and got a very surprising gift right on his shoulder. We actually called the vet (again) because it was so big and seemed to require some effort. Now we wait for it before we move him.
Birds have stomachs?! lol! i thought they only had their crop, does that growl?
Jeesh...I've missed THIS thread, too. I'm so sorry. :eek:

Well Ant, you asked if this has ever happened to you/your bird. In my case it happens on a daily basis, but it's always MY stomach that's making all the noise. :54:
Birds have stomachs?! lol! i thought they only had their crop, does that growl?

Crop, proventriculus, then to the ventriculus (gizzard), then on to the small intestine.....

A lot of the gastric juices join the process in the gizzard, so that may be the culprits hiding place.....
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Birds have stomachs?! lol! i thought they only had their crop, does that growl?

Crop, proventriculus, then to the ventriculus (gizzard), then on to the small intestine.....

A lot of the gastric juices join the process in the gizzard, so that may be the culprits hiding place.....

LoL I am aware about the crop, then to gizzard.......
I am busy researching it for Mishka's book
If I had put those words in, members would have been totally lost
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