If we want to [continue] post links about BT, well here's some others to check out...
This link shows just how cruel owners are in keeping pet birds clipped.
Thousands Inflict Animal Cruelty On Their Parrot
The common practice of clipping a pet parrots wings so it can't fly in its owner's house is also often considered animal cruelty and is considered a violation of their animal rights.
Now don't you want to rush out and purchase their video on training parrots to fly?
Training for free-flight takes the right kind of training and dedication that most bird owners just don't have... no offense meant, but it's the truth. Sid Price is even aware of this...
Comments on YouTube video « Bird Training Blog
Carly Lu was quite outraged about that little article that BT put on PR...
Morally Depraved | Carly Lu's Flight Blog
She has a link in that article... that links to some others...
Alerts | Carly Lu's Flight Blog
Sid Price has another article about marketing techniques that say that they'll help solve your parrot problems...
Beware the Silver Bullet « Bird Training Blog
This link proves that Chet Womach is a sales man, not a professional trainer (IMO)
Product Launch Formula Case Study
And Shanlungs opinion about them
shanlung: On birdtricks.com and bozos
Just because he's a saleman doesn't mean he's not passionate about what he does. I'm sure the Womach brothers love birds and love to help out people (as I've mentioned before), but again, they aren't professional trainers. They don't seem to me to have a deep understanding of parrot behavior like professional trainers have. I'm interested in seeing where they go with their videos and advice, but I'm not going to go out of my way to get their products or follow their blogs.