Short update time.
Still working on biting. He gets over-excited about various things and will get a good nip. Only drawn blood once on my finger.
He gets cranky in various ways when we keep him up past nine.
If he wants to fight it and stay up to play, it is very hard to get him back into his cage and he will constantly climb back up our arms. Eventually have to grab him and make him step up onto his boing.
If he is cuddled against one of our necks, he is sleeping or trying to fall asleep, and gets crouchy if either of us try to move him, but especially the one whom he is not perched on. Makes a funny sounding little squawk and tries to bite.
He is really good at flying to us from wherever in the house he pleases. Corners and doors which he can't see around are no obstacle, since he can navigate those rather well. He will fly to his play stand when he is hungry or thirsty, then fly back to us. He flies to us on command most of the time, and the few times he won't it is usually because he has becomes engrossed in something, like chewing on my wife's hairclaw.
He has already learned how to disassemble his toys, and I now keep his bit block toy out of his cage, so that he doesn't drop it on himself when he undoes the clamp. He looks so proud of himself after he does it and pulls a block free, to present to one of us.
And also eats any veggies we put in front of him, though the fruits are hit-or-miss.
He LOVES his cuddles, and lets us scritch his head all the time, especially when he is on his shower perch. That is really the only time he gets loud too. His face gets all red and he starts squawking incredibly loud for a few minutes until he gets settled in and playing.
He also greets us as soon as we walk in the door and gets upset if we don't come over and take him out. He is good if we give him as little as 5 minutes.
Oh, and he plays and says (sort-of) "peek-a-boo".