Harry's Dark Side * QMS

Ohhhhh poor Harry [emoji26] how much we all love her [emoji173]️ I have tears reading this- it breaks my heart [emoji174]

I'm so sorry you (and her) are going through this, but I can't think of a better mommy to take care of her!

I hope that you find something that helps her- even if it's just a tiny bit.

And I'm glad that she finds some comfort in the toy that I made her- if you think it would help at all, or maybe lift her spirits, I would gladly make a couple new toys and send them to you (for free, of course).

We have the best forum on the planet! You are an amazing group. The support and understanding is always phenomenal. Thank you all, so very much. It makes a tremendous difference.

Shirre, you are such a sweetheart! Thank you for your generous offer. You have no idea how happy I was to see Harry run to that toy. She spent most of today sitting under it, not plucking, she was actually pretty calm all day. Her toy is still in great shape, but believe me, as soon as it needs to be replaced, I will order a new one for Her Majesty.

Still being relatively new to the forum, I did not know that your precious Harry has a plucking problem. Your story is heart-wrenching. She sounds like an incredibly special bird and she is so very, very lucky to have you to care for her!

"I think Harry's ruffles are prettier than the finest diamonds. She works hard to have them and keep them." --- This brought me to absolute tears. You are an angel to love Harry so much. Please don't ever, ever blame yourself or feel guilty for what she is going through. Just continue to love her and do everything you can for her. I truly wish you will discover something that can make this illness better for her.
Sorry to hear that you and Harry are going through this. This is something that I have no experience with, and as much as I'd like to, I have nothing helpful to suggest. Sing Harry's special song to her, and tell her that all her friends on the Forum are thinking of her (and you) and hoping she'll be better soon.
Lauren, thank you so much. Your message really touched my heart.

The truth is, I'm the lucky one. It's an honor to take care of Harry. Most of the time, I feel up to the task. It's just so frustrating to think, that the one thing I haven't tried could be the one that makes all the difference. She brings joy to everyone she meets, we should be able to make her just as happy.

It was a Devine accident that we even met Harry. This story is so much more typical of Harry's normal behavior.

Sorry to hear that you and Harry are going through this. This is something that I have no experience with, and as much as I'd like to, I have nothing helpful to suggest. Sing Harry's special song to her, and tell her that all her friends on the Forum are thinking of her (and you) and hoping she'll be better soon.

Thank you, Gary. That's really special coming from a friend that knows most of Harry's secrets. Tell Dear Ralph, Hello from his friends in Texas.
Ralph is fine, and says hello to you and the flock, and sends his good wishes to Harry. Harry is a very special Quaker, and it's sad to see her going through this. I know that it's rough on you too, Allee. We're thinking of you and hoping that all will be well very soon.

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