Harrison's Bird Food


New member
Aug 27, 2015
Menifee CA
1 Green Cheek Conure 1 Pinapple Conure
Hello everyone,

I have 2 Conures and I was researching food for them, currently I'm feeding them bird food from PetSmart. I have read that Harrison's food is the best organic food for them, I'm thinking of giving it a try, but do I need to add other seed or anything to there daily diet? I feed mine fresh fruit also. Any suggestions would be awesome. Thanks

:green2: :greenyellow:
Fruit and harrison's should be fine. I feed Mochi Zupreem with fresh fruit and Nutriberries.
Here is a sticky to just go over that gives a lot of basic diet info.

Diet is probably not something we all completely agree on, however the link gives a lot of good info and something for everyone.

I free feed pellets-which can be roudybush, harrisons and goldenfeast. Foo enjoys roudybush best. This probably ends up being about 10-40% of her diet depending on her mood and what sounds good to her that day.

She is fed a variety of fresh veggies, leafy greens, herbs, sprouts and fruits daily. This would make up most of her diet.

probably the last 10 to 20% of her diet, again depending a bit on what we are having as well will be cooked grains (which may be like a 7 grain hot cereal or brown rice or pasta), beans, legumes, seeds and nuts. She also likes the occasional uncooked whole grain pasta to munch on.

Lastly, the non daily stuff she enjoys-a bone from a piece of chicken or a little hard boiled egg (with shell) or a piece of fish or other animal source food. Sometimes a little of something not so healthy-like if we order pizza she will want a little piece of the crust.
I love the Harrison's pellets for the pelleted part of the diet (which I am of the opinion should not be 100% of the diet anyhow). Fresh veggies, fruits, grains (whole wheat pasta/brown rice/quinoa) are usually well received and great to offer them variety.
I usually keep one bowl of pellets and then a side dish of veggies. At dinner time we eat together, usually I make extra of what I'm having and give him some before I add "stuff" (sauces/salt). He enjoys it. Only problem is, he has learned mine has 'special stuff' on it and he will climb down to try to eat off my plate. This has become a slight issue but he gives in. ;)
I feed both my birds Harrison's and I swear by them.

However, I do NOT recommend adding any seeds to the diet. Harrisons offers something called "power treats" which are organic and they LOVE them. Harrisons and avian vets will tell you, and they are correct, that their foods contain ALL the necessary nutrients they need. But, I can't just feed my birds pellets 100% of the time, it's nice to give them a variety. But stick with organic fruits/vegges/pasta. Walmart sells 'Wild Harvest' organic pasta for the same price as regular.

On the back of each bag of Harrisons, lists what foods they recommend if you choose to add additional foods. Stick with the dark green/orange fruits and vegetables.

Adding some millet spray is okay as a 'treat'.

I will say this, feeding your bird any supplemental food that is not organic or all natural defeats the purpose of feeding them the organic Harrisons and can cause more harm than good.
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Thank you everyone for your responses, I just ordered some Harrison pellets to try and see if my conures like it. (Fingers Crossed)
Harrison's is indeed a good pellet, and Mimsy is right - not everyone agrees on diet. Some don't care for Harrison's because it contains clay in it. Others just find their birds don't care for it. It's up to you to figure out what works best for your bird.

Personally, I feed a huge variety in everything I feed, from chop to pellets. My birds get their chop in the morning, and at night they get supplemented with the pellets I feed, which are RoudyBush California Blend, Fixin's, Harrison's, Zupreem Natural, and Golden Feast Hookbill blend. I feed varying amounts of each type.

I like variety. I can't imagine eating the exact same blend every single day, so they get different blends of different things when supplies run low and I order new things.

Just find what works for your birds and go from there. Any step towards a healthy, balanced diet is a good step. [emoji4]
The clay in the Harrisons is actually used as a detoxifier and is especially beneficial to animals with chronic health problems.

@conuremom You'll want to be sure to follow strict conversion rules to ensure your bird gets adequate nutrition during the conversion process. It is generally recommended to 'slowly' begin introducing the pellets with their regular diet. Each day, increase the Harrisons while decreasing the current diet. HOWEVER, be sure to monitor your birds weight and make sure your bird IS eating.
There is no Harrison food around my area (Sydney). I am thinking to change from Kaytee Rainbow to Roudybush as someone mentioned that Kaytee is too colorful. I hope the transition will be easy. Right now my Sunny can eat a half bowl (around 1 full cup) of Kaytee by himself in a day and still beg for more food, a little bit too much I think for a 10 weeks baby.
Harrisons is sold on their website as well as some avian vets offices. It's not sold in stores.
Harrisons is sold on their website as well as some avian vets offices. It's not sold in stores.

Just went to their website, really liking the High Potency Fine for my Sun. Unfortunately they only deliver within US. Sad :orange:
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I actually bought Harrison's on Amazon, on Harrison's website they wanted to charge $11 for shipping and I have free shipping with Amazon prime so I went with that. But I got the 1 lb bag to see if my conure will like it. I also got Roudybush for them to try if they don't like the Harrison food. Fingers crossed they like one of the 2

I don't know, I put a mix in of the top three brands (zupreme, roudybush, harrisons) to see what they preferred and my birds wouldn't eat the harrisons. That was the one I always found whole thrown on the floor. They just didn't like it and would eat the other two more. Especially roudybush. I think it must taste good to birds because even my budgies converted off seed to that pellet by choice. I put a dish in of that and their birdseed in a separate bowl they had been on at the pet store and they went for the roudybush over the seed. I couldn't believe it! I thought I would have a hard time getting them off seed but it wasn't hard at all. Must be pretty tasty stuff.
Harrisons is sold on their website as well as some avian vets offices. It's not sold in stores.

It's sold in many bird stores too ;). I know several stores to get it at. I also realize it depends where people are located.

Exactly, it depends on locations. I live in central Maine, we are hardly a big metropolis. LOL.

I have heard of it being sold on Amazon. For me though, IF I were to buy it from a third party retailer, I'd call Harrison's first to insure that it is a legit product. But that's me. I'm just super-cautious with my babies food.

The funny thing is, my vet is only an hour away - but it costs more to buy and ship from the vets office than from TN to ME. LOL.
Exactly, it depends on locations. I live in central Maine, we are hardly a big metropolis. LOL.

I have heard of it being sold on Amazon. For me though, IF I were to buy it from a third party retailer, I'd call Harrison's first to insure that it is a legit product. But that's me. I'm just super-cautious with my babies food.

The funny thing is, my vet is only an hour away - but it costs more to buy and ship from the vets office than from TN to ME. LOL.

I encourage you to check out My Safe Bird Store | Discounted Bird Products | BIRD FREE ENVIRONMENT| Free Shipping Available :)

I assure you their Harrisons IS legit, and probably more affordable than through your vet's office, especially if you calculate having to drive an entire hour (and back) to buy some.

Sorry, but I chuckled a bit when you said you would call Harrisons first to make sure it's 'legit'. They offer a 'locate a dealer' option on their site. ;)
I will check that out JerseyWendy - though to be honest, I like ordering directly through the company which is what I usually do. I don't drive to the vet, I don't drive period. LOL. The expense is what the VET charges for shipping.

I tend to be skeptical of third party retailers because of personal experience. Nearly half the time I ordered something online - it was NOT the same as what I got. That's why I do what I do.

EDIT: I just checked it out and that sight isn't cheaper than what I pay - it's actually about the same. I usually buy my food in six month supplies. I only paid $11 in shipping for my last order. But for people who can't order from the company, your link is a good alternative.
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I am definitely #TeamHarrisons lol. My conure went straight to it the first time I left it out..and my blue and gold eats it mixed with zupreem nut flavor. Slowly getting her take only harrisons..

But we all know fruits and veggies should be the primary diet

*starts war*

I had been feeding Peaches only table food for the first ten years of her life. I didn't know then what I know now. She kept getting respiratory infections and had a nutritional deficiency. The vet recommended Harrisons but I declined at first as I thought he was just trying to peddle a product to get money. So I stuck with anti-biotics. They didn't work. One week on Harrisons, she was all better and hasn't had one since. THAT is why I am such a champion of Harrisons. I truly believe they saved Peaches life. She'll be 21 in March.

I could never get my budgies to take to Harrisons. But Peaches and Skittles took right to it. I still feed them fresh fruits, fresh veggies and occasionally pasta. But Harrisons is the bulk of my birds diet.

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