New member
Hi all
New member stopping in to say hello. I am in the process of relocating the flock from TN back to southeast Virginia where I grew up. I work from home and had the opportunity to move back to where I grew up. Dad to three teen boys.
My flock consists of Koopa and Weegie (Luigi)

These two conures absolutely love each other but also enjoy hanging out and snuggling with me. They came first and definitely are kings of the castle.
At Christmas I adopted Gandalf, my white Indian Ringneck. Super affectionate. DNA male. Very chatty and loves to practice all his words he is learning. He loves to be held and loved on….on his terms.

Lastly is Yoshi. I had no intentions of getting another bird but saw him posted online in rough shape. He came with a horrible wing clip. Drop like a rock wing clip. Never tried to bite but was very skiddish. He has come a long way with love and attention. They have free range during the day. I have a sunroom with ropes and swings hung up and they enjoy it so much. Excited for the move and getting everyone comfortable in their new home. I will be adding an outdoor aviary on my patio there that I know they will love to be in while I’m outdoors swimming or hanging out.

New member stopping in to say hello. I am in the process of relocating the flock from TN back to southeast Virginia where I grew up. I work from home and had the opportunity to move back to where I grew up. Dad to three teen boys.
My flock consists of Koopa and Weegie (Luigi)

These two conures absolutely love each other but also enjoy hanging out and snuggling with me. They came first and definitely are kings of the castle.
At Christmas I adopted Gandalf, my white Indian Ringneck. Super affectionate. DNA male. Very chatty and loves to practice all his words he is learning. He loves to be held and loved on….on his terms.

Lastly is Yoshi. I had no intentions of getting another bird but saw him posted online in rough shape. He came with a horrible wing clip. Drop like a rock wing clip. Never tried to bite but was very skiddish. He has come a long way with love and attention. They have free range during the day. I have a sunroom with ropes and swings hung up and they enjoy it so much. Excited for the move and getting everyone comfortable in their new home. I will be adding an outdoor aviary on my patio there that I know they will love to be in while I’m outdoors swimming or hanging out.