Happy Hut Alternatives

If you can afford to spend the money, this is the BOMB! Molly loves to run in and out and do summersaults inside of it. She literally ran into it the moment I put it into the cage.

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BTW, I got the medium for my GCC. I could go on and on about how happy I am with it. I'm going to order one for Cody's cage now.

How much do they run? I like the fact that it's hard mounted, I'm wondering if the swinging of the happy hut is what's preventing Loki from going in his.

You'd be looking at about $50.00. OUCH! Also, I put in two 8 x 8 fleece blankets that I got from https://www.windycityparrot.com/Pet-Tents-by-Hangall--Polar-Fleece-Liners-Small-8-x-8_p_3093.html
If you can afford to spend the money, this is the BOMB! Molly loves to run in and out and do summersaults inside of it. She literally ran into it the moment I put it into the cage.

Sunrise Solutions Home

BTW, I got the medium for my GCC. I could go on and on about how happy I am with it. I'm going to order one for Cody's cage now.

How much do they run? I like the fact that it's hard mounted, I'm wondering if the swinging of the happy hut is what's preventing Loki from going in his.

You'd be looking at about $50.00. OUCH! Also, I put in two 8 x 8 fleece blankets that I got from https://www.windycityparrot.com/Pet-Tents-by-Hangall--Polar-Fleece-Liners-Small-8-x-8_p_3093.html

OUCH!! Yeah, $50 for something I'm not even sure he'll use :11: Pass, sadly. I am, however, thinking of trying to knit him something. I'm not quite ready to go ahead and do it, but I've got my wheels turning and plenty of extra yarn not already allotted to other projects available, sooo... We shall see!
I wanted to send a comment to the owner who keeps their bird's cage open all day....I would really encourage you not to do this. You think your bird doesn't leave their cage but how do you really know? I've read endless stories of birds chewing electrical cords, drowning in pots of water on the stove or in the sink or in toilet bowls...especially if they can fly...things we dont; even think of. Please think of your birds safety and put them up when you are gone...they need constant supervision...all it takes is ONE time and they can die a painful death. Just get them out when you get home and can watch and play with them! :)

I have a snuggie hut for my sun conure Mango and he LOVES it but he does chew on it and so I'm looking into safer alternatives. The flannel covered pvc pipe sounds promising and I'll just remove the flannel. I know the flannel is soft but I've read of birds chewing the flannel and dying because it gets stuck in their crops so I'm going away from any soft material like that....I'd rather Mango be safe! I'm looking at non toxic bird safe bedding material to possibly put inside the pipe.

I'm having hormonal issues with Mango and the more I read the more it sounds like snuggling with him and using the snuggle hut is causing mating and overbonding behavior and causing him to be a little biting terror...anyone else have experience with this and if so any suggestions? He gets very aggressive with people when I'm around but my bf says he's a different bird when I'm not there. He wants to be with me incessantly and bites me when he won't bite others...I've read he thinks I'm his mate and is showing possession. It's getting out of hand and I'm tired of always getting bitten. Anyone else know that best ways to lessen the hormones while still being able to interact and enjoy my little parrot? He's on a diet of vet approved pellets,
a little seeds and fresh fruit and veggies. I've read exposing him to too much light might also be triggering mating behavior?

Katherine....please don't do the knitting thing....you won't be able to make it tight enough to keep your bird from getting toes stuck in between the yarn. Also, I keep reading about birds dying from ingesting yarn, fleece, rope etc.. and it getting caught in their crops.

There are these chewbular play tubes for rodents (the Chube) that bird owners are attaching to the cages that offer a safe place for birds to hide and sleep. I'd ask about the best and safest ways to attach it but MY SAFE BIRD STORE has just about everything you need. Also the BETTA beds are pvc tubes with a removable fleece cover....I think that is what I'm about to get and remove the cover. Might put some bird safe bedding (again mysafebirdstore.com) in to make it softer. Anyways just thought I'd share my thoughts and experience. I've worked in vet clinics and seen and heard of way too many accidents from pet owners who love there pets but unknowingly put them in danger.
Our bird store sells birdie hammocks made out of fleece material. They put clips (like the ones on bird toys that screw together to attach) on the corners so you can attach them to the cage in a top corner. I can post a pic tomorrow when Indy is awake, but she loves them and there are no strings and I'm sure you could easily make one.
When I got Chico he had a happy hut in his cage (which came with him) and he uses it every night to sleep in. It is worn and the previous owner said it would need replaced soon, so I have to find something for him! I was worried about another happy hut also, as I have read of the horror stories about loose strings injuring birds, or worse. I will say, though, even on his old worn out happy hut, there are NO loose strings hanging anywhere, and I check it daily. I've seen different kinds/designs, but I don't know what would be the safest. Glad you started this thread! Alot of info in it! Good luck and let us know what you go with!
Here is a pic of her hammock. I actually have two there, with one attached to the corner and one across underneath. It's what she was raised in to sleep by the breeders so she loves them! And they are washable and keep her warm. Hope this helps!


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Here is a pic of her hammock. I actually have two there, with one attached to the corner and one across underneath. It's what she was raised in to sleep by the breeders so she loves them! And they are washable and keep her warm. Hope this helps!(The attachment keeps coming up sideways...)


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I had a snuggle thing that was attached to the side of my birdies sleeping perch, not a hut, but more like a side snuggler that he would sleep right up next to. It was made of fleece and very sadly it ended up being his cause of death. There were no signs of wear or damage, I never saw him eating it as such.... But the tiny little fibres he obviously consumed over the years could not digest and filled his tummy and caused a blockage. It was inoperable �� Please don't use one, I don't think it is worth the risk. I know they are cute and all, but it's not cute once your little baby is taken from you because of it. I never thought it would happen to my little guy, but it did.

I read somewhere not to long ago of someone using a real coconut as a hut, or tissue boxes etc...

Keep searching! ����
Oh wow, this thread was resurrected from the dead haha! I made this thread when I first got Boomer and thought that he absolutely had to have a happy hut. In the end I realized that the risk of him getting tangled up in it while I'm away at work was much too great, so I took it out of the cage.

It took me over a year to do it though! I just felt so bad that I always convinced myself to let it stay until the weather got warmer, etc. For a while, I used those cardboard tunnels sold for hamsters. I cut holes in it and looped a safe natural rope so I could hang it from the ceiling of his cage. He would go in the tunnel if I put almonds in it, but he never would sleep in it. Instead he would sleep on this natural, spiraling branch. After a while, I took the tunnel out of the cage too. It was ugly (I'm not good at crafts) and took up space.

He's been without a hut or a tunnel for over 3 months now and he's acting normal (if not more stubborn - but I attribute that to the terrible twos stage he is now in). So to those who have second thoughts of the happy hut's safety, I recommend just removing it. Maybe with enough people not using it, the manufacturers will revisit the design and make something that is 100% safe for our birds. You can also use safer alternatives such as cardboard tubes, coconut shells or grass mat tunnels. I think anything cloth based, even some that are fleece, will have strings in them, hence dangerous.
Any more suggestions for Happy Hut alternatives? Kyo really likes to sleep in hers and I'll feel bad to take it out without replacing it with something else :(
For example… do you think maybe an empty bird bath would work for her to sleep in?
I bought this for my Hahn's cage - KCK403 Kings Cozy Hideout Large - HUTS/TENTS
Now I have 2nd thoughts of using it since reading all this about the huts.

One good thing is I haven't used it yet, since he still hasn't arrived from the breeder yet.

Also, I work 3rd shift so he'll be sleeping when I'm working and only in his cage when I'm napping :)
Peekaboo Parrot Perch Tent - Medium

I got my gcc this after reading all of the horror story's about compaction and tangling (plus the territorial/behavioral issues). fleese hanging perch tent. he only uses it to climb over in the day but he does sleep in it over night.
I've removed Kyo's happy hut and replaced it with her coconut swing. I've seen her cuddling up into it so I think it'll work. However, is she ever cranky with us today.
Ive never used a happy hut. I use a fleece ferret hammock. Pumpkin loves it. I check for frayed edges and watch him to see if he chews on it. So far so good. Its been about 3 months so far. He also snuggles with a small fleece teddy bear named Mr. Wiggles who lives on the ferret hammock. Pumpkin seems to really enjoy the soft fleece hammock and uses Mr. Wiggles as a pillow/blanket/mattress.
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I made Kyo a little fleece (made sure that the fibres don't come off easily) blanket hut. She was very happy to have something to cuddle up to again. I used just a triangular piece of the material and cut holes to put the perch through it. The top has a toy link holding it in place by the bars of the cage. I think it is less likely she will get herself caught up in this than the happy hut.
4 years Maxx has had a Happy Hut in his inside and outside cage, and I have yet to see one loose string.

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