Happy FIRST Hatchday Chili!!


New member
Feb 26, 2013
My baby girl turns ONE today!!! It's hard to believe just a little over 6 months ago I was scrambling to pick her up from the airport....but I knew she was my baby from the moment I let her out of that carrier...
She climbed right out and on top of my head and started preening herself and my hair lol

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Cheers to many more years with my little girl! Can't wait to see what this next year brings for you!! 💗💗💗
Happy Hatch Day Chili! I hope you get spoiled rotten today by your Mommy (which is kind of like every day). Shirre, please give her a great bug birthday hug from her Auntie Terry and my flock!
Happy Birthday, Chili-girl! Your mom took some GREAT photos! Please, post the one with her in the shoe again, it's an all-time winner. :D
Oh Chili! You are the prettiest girl ever! Happy hatchday, sweetheart! Lots of love from Trish, the Beaks, the Lovies and especially from Dominic (who raises his hat to you on this special day). XXXX
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Happy Birthday, Chili-girl! Your mom took some GREAT photos! Please, post the one with her in the shoe again, it's an all-time winner. :D

Ya know, I WAS going to post the shoe picture and thought nawwww... Lol
So here she is- shoe fetish and all :D

Thanks a million, Shirre! Those pictures with Chili and the shoe put an INSTA-GRIN from one ear to the next on my face! JUST like this -->:D
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Chili says thank you everyone! Kisses and snuggles for all! Just watch your eyeballs ;) (she's actually started preening my eyelashes lately :eek: )

I'm thinking of making her some birdie bread today, and putting together some toys- you'd think I'd have all her birthday stuff already, but I don't :( birthday extravaganza spoilage will have to wait- I feel like such a bad mommy :(
You are as far from a bad mommy as you could possibly be, Shirre:) Just look at that beautiful girl, and how happy and healthy she is, and you can see what an awesome mom you are:) And birdie bread sounds amazing for her cake:)
Aw, Happy Hatchday, Chili!
Happy Hatch Day Chili!!!!!! Love all the pretty pictures! :)
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You are as far from a bad mommy as you could possibly be, Shirre:) Just look at that beautiful girl, and how happy and healthy she is, and you can see what an awesome mom you are:) And birdie bread sounds amazing for her cake:)

Awww thank you Terry!! :)

Shhh! Don't tell her it's not cake!! LOL
You can make it like a cake! The center use birdy bread and the frosting use mashed carrots! :D
It will be our secret:) There is a price for my silence though - I need pictures to see how that turns out;)
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I'll come up with something during the kid's nap time :)

Maybe I'll squeeze in making a few homemade toys too

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