Happy Anniversary Allee

Anyone remember the Flintstone's anniversary? Where Fred buys Wilma a piano?

Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary, Haaaaaappy Anniversary!

And here's the clip :) [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knp9-GY6fHE"]Flintstones - Happy Anniversary - YouTube[/ame]

Happy Anniversary Allee!

Wishing you both a day filled with love, happy reminiscences, laughter and the thrill of romance! Enjoy, my dear friend!
Happy Anniversary Allee!! May you both have a wonderful day and decades of future anniversaries!!
Happy Anniversary, Allee! Enjoy your day and don't forget to make some quiet time to reflect on the reasons why you married in the first place. Love to you both. XX
Happy Anniversary Allee! I hope y'all have a wonderful day filled with love and laughter:)
Wow! Happy anniversary!!!!
Thank you for all the kind words and sweet wishes, Folks!

Love the Flontstones video! :)

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