Happy 9th PF Anniversary, wrench13!!!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Aug 29, 2018
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Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
Happy PF Anniversary, wrench13!!

With Love To
Everyone's Favourite Pirate
From All Of Us!!!


Wishing You A Happy PF Anniversary,
And We're Looking Forward
To Sharing Many More
Here With You!!



Happy 9th PF Anniversary Dearest Al!


You have helped so many people & their birds here,
as well as providing inspiration by showing all that Salty can do. You're such an important part of the forum and the Mod Team, and I appreciate you so much💚

Thanks folks. Its usually a pleasure being a member on here. If I can help in some small way thats just icing on the feathered cake. Being a moderator, well thats something else again. But I still enjoy my ParrotForums family! THanks again for the warm thoughts.
I still remember that evening Gale, the confusion we had in trying to get Jim and Amy on with us (infamous Luddite that he was), and the NEVER ENDING Rickybird screaming in the background, as you tried to have a conversation with Geri and Salty and I. And all of us laughing so hard because it was just absurd trying to have this conversation. Was one of the funnest birthdays Salty ever had! And yeah - 9 years ago! WoW!
I still remember that evening Gale, the confusion we had in trying to get Jim and Amy on with us (infamous Luddite that he was), and the NEVER ENDING Rickybird screaming in the background, as you tried to have a conversation with Geri and Salty and I. And all of us laughing so hard because it was just absurd trying to have this conversation. Was one of the funnest birthdays Salty ever had! And yeah - 9 years ago! WoW!
Yeah, it was the most hilarious and surreal experience EVer. I will treasure it always as the ultimate parrot experience. We got l'il Salty off to a really great start.

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